BKG Analysis Report for G24123 (20240502-g24123) This report is a contributed analysis report that does not correspond to the database maintained by the IVS Data Centers for this session. (Analyzed by Gerald Engelhardt, Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG), Spoolfile source: interactive nuSolve analysis.) Problems: None. Number of observations rejected during correlation: 0 Number of observations not usable by the software: 0 Number of observations rejected during analysis: 21 observation 8, ISHIOKA :RAEGSMAR, 1219+044, 17:33:34, which fits at -191.3 +/- 54.6 ps observation 12, ISHIOKA :RAEGSMAR, 1039+811, 17:36:24, which fits at 265.0 +/- 54.7 ps observation 13, ISHIOKA :RAEGSMAR, 0133+476, 17:37:09, which fits at 318.2 +/- 54.0 ps observation 21, ISHIOKA :RAEGSMAR, 1324+224, 17:41:27, which fits at -209.2 +/- 54.6 ps observation 28, ISHIOKA :RAEGSMAR, 2007+777, 17:46:24, which fits at -160.5 +/- 54.1 ps observation 36, ISHIOKA :RAEGSMAR, 0954+658, 17:50:46, which fits at -149.8 +/- 54.0 ps observation 41, ISHIOKA :RAEGSMAR, 1039+811, 17:53:20, which fits at 207.9 +/- 54.8 ps observation 50, ISHIOKA :RAEGSMAR, 1849+670, 17:58:04, which fits at -164.6 +/- 54.4 ps observation 58, ISHIOKA :RAEGSMAR, 1030+415, 18:02:41, which fits at 176.3 +/- 54.4 ps observation 59, ISHIOKA :RAEGSMAR, 0955+476, 18:03:10, which fits at 151.8 +/- 54.2 ps observation 62, ISHIOKA :RAEGSMAR, 1219+044, 18:04:41, which fits at 196.8 +/- 54.4 ps observation 65, ISHIOKA :RAEGSMAR, 0016+731, 18:06:32, which fits at 339.9 +/- 54.7 ps observation 66, ISHIOKA :RAEGSMAR, 1039+811, 18:07:06, which fits at 413.1 +/- 55.0 ps observation 67, ISHIOKA :RAEGSMAR, 1642+690, 18:07:37, which fits at 127.1 +/- 55.2 ps observation 69, ISHIOKA :RAEGSMAR, 3C371, 18:08:35, which fits at 132.5 +/- 54.1 ps observation 72, ISHIOKA :RAEGSMAR, 1324+224, 18:10:19, which fits at 152.9 +/- 55.1 ps observation 78, ISHIOKA :RAEGSMAR, 1156+295, 18:13:23, which fits at 160.0 +/- 54.0 ps observation 79, ISHIOKA :RAEGSMAR, 3C274, 18:13:51, which fits at 271.2 +/- 56.1 ps observation 87, ISHIOKA :RAEGSMAR, 1039+811, 18:19:02, which fits at 366.1 +/- 54.6 ps observation 89, ISHIOKA :RAEGSMAR, 1637+574, 18:20:06, which fits at 222.2 +/- 54.2 ps observation 105, ISHIOKA :RAEGSMAR, 1324+224, 18:29:07, which fits at 178.0 +/- 54.6 ps Other comments: Correlator TIMETAG: 2024/07/10 11:51:15. Parameterization: 6 parameters: UT1 offset atmosphere offset for: ISHIOKA RAEGSMAR clock offset (0), first order term (1), and/or second order term (2) for: RAEGSMAR (0,1,2) Clock breaks: None. ----------------------------------------- Session Statistics Observations: 212 scheduled (included in correlation report) 106 correlated (included in database) 106 recoverable (usable in Solve/nuSolve) 85 used Session fit: 52.373 ps UT1 formal error: 5.740 microsec ----------------------------------------- Source Performance Number of Observations Scheduled(*) Correlated* Used 0016+731 9 3 2 0059+581 12 4 4 0133+476 12 4 3 0300+470 3 1 1 0716+714 12 4 4 0917+624 15 5 5 0954+658 12 4 3 0955+476 12 4 3 1030+415 12 4 3 1039+811 12 4 0 1044+719 12 4 4 1053+704 9 3 3 1101+384 9 3 3 1123+264 6 2 2 1128+385 9 3 3 1144+402 12 4 4 1156+295 12 4 3 1219+044 9 3 1 1306+360 12 4 4 1308+328 3 1 1 1324+224 12 4 1 1504+377 3 1 1 1637+574 12 4 3 1642+690 12 4 3 1803+784 9 3 3 1849+670 9 3 2 2007+777 9 3 2 2229+695 12 4 4 3C274 12 4 3 3C371 12 4 3 4C67.05 12 4 4 ------------ --------- ---------- ------ Source Total 212 106 85 * Correlated means included in the database. (*) All possible observations on scheduled network. Please note that the number of recoverable (usable) observations cannot be broken down by source for Intensive solutions.