Test experiment s3186a. Observing stations: Mg, Ws Nominal start time: 2023.07.05_15:45:00 Nominal stop time: 2023.07.05_15:57:06 Start: 2023.186_15:45:00 End: 2023.186_15:57:06 Stations: mg,ws # Needed for CDDIS software Goal: To test detection of a methnal maser J0227+6152 around 6668.5192 MHz Date of experiment: 2023,Jul,05 Nominal Start Time: 15h45m UT Nominal End Time: 21h17m UT Duration: 0.20 hr Correlator: WETTZELL Participating stations: (2) WETTZ13S Ws MACGO12M Mg Contact: Leonid Petrov 2023.05.16_15:18:30