1Run 23289-1512 Analysis center: USNO -- US Naval Observatory Analyst: Remington Sexton ( remington.o.sexton.civ@us.navy.mil ) Machine: seshat.crf.dev.rdte x86_64 Linux 5.14.0-162.12.1.el9_1.x86_64 Executables: /home/remington.sexton Solve initials: RS Spool format: SgLib-0.8.1 (Skyland) Local time: 2023.10.16-11:13:13 Correlator type: MK4 Mark-3 db_name: Data base 20230824-r41117 Ver 3 Matrix Condition Number = 2.156473227759671E+10 Listing_Options: CRES_EMULATION NO BASELINES NO MINIMUM NO Listing_Options: MAPPED_EOP_OUTPUT NO SEG_OUTPUT NO APRIORI_ZENDEL NO Listing_Options: NRD_TABLE YES CHI_TABLE NO SRC_STAT PRE2004 SEG_STYLE PRE2005 SgLib release : 2023 Jan 05 Flyby Station Cals: DB Station Cals: | DB Non-station Cals: | Atmosphere Partial: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FORTLEZA:NMFDRFLY GION | Pol Tide | NMFWTFLY HART15M :NMFDRFLY GION | WobXCont | KOKEE :NMFDRFLY cable GION | WobYCont | SVETLOE :NMFDRFLY GION | EarthTid | WETTZELL:NMFDRFLY cable GION | Ocean | ZELENCHK:NMFDRFLY GION | UT1Ortho | | XpYpOrth | | XpYpLib | | UT1Libra | | OPTLCont | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALC Version: 11.02 SgLib-0.8.1 (Skyland) Met Statistics: Temperature Pressure Humidity Station average rms average rms average rms FORTLEZA MET -999.0 0.0 -999.0 0.0-99900.0 0.0 HART15M MET 15.1 5.6 862.0 2.5 70.3 14.5 KOKEE MET 17.5 2.1 889.0 0.7 82.6 12.1 SVETLOE MET 15.5 2.7 1005.8 0.2 81.3 9.1 WETTZELL MET 22.6 2.7 944.6 0.9 75.2 17.2 ZELENCHK MET 15.6 3.3 887.6 0.8 70.3 12.8 Run 23289-1512 2066 Observation Pairs Available Session started on: 2460181.271181 2023.08.24 18:30:30.000 UTC Actual duration: 86308.000 sec 00 23:58:28.000 sec Solution type: Group delay X/S combination Data Type Number of Weighted RMS Normalized RMS Chi Square Observations Residual Residual (precis) Used Delay 1158 51.756 ps 0.99 1.0000 Rate 0 0 fs/s 0.00 0.0000 Combined 0 0.00 0.0000 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Used quality_code_limit: 5 Number of potentially recoverable observations: 1207 Number of potentially good observations with QC 5-9: 1246 Number of used observations: 1158 ( 95.94%) Number of suppressed observations: 49 ( 4.06%) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Baseline Statistics Baseline # W.Obs W.RMS Del N.R.D. N.R.D. W.RMS Rate N.R.R. D.RW R.RW used/recov ps standard ( 15ps+i) fs/s ps fs/s FORTLEZA-HART15M 136/ 136 51.5 0.89 1.31 942.2 0.00 43.3 0.0 FORTLEZA-KOKEE 41/ 41 79.8 0.86 2.19 1513.2 0.00 81.5 0.0 FORTLEZA-SVETLOE 86/ 88 48.9 0.89 2.09 643.2 0.00 51.1 0.0 FORTLEZA-ZELENCHK 84/ 85 38.7 0.86 1.72 582.3 0.00 40.9 0.0 HART15M -SVETLOE 105/ 107 46.2 0.89 1.95 958.7 0.00 47.2 0.0 HART15M -WETTZELL 26/ 27 68.6 0.90 1.79 659.0 0.00 68.1 0.0 HART15M -ZELENCHK 132/ 139 39.2 0.88 1.83 605.6 0.00 41.2 0.0 KOKEE -SVETLOE 128/ 144 81.0 0.91 3.40 683.0 0.00 85.2 0.0 KOKEE -WETTZELL 7/ 7 74.2 0.87 1.78 312.7 0.00 75.5 0.0 KOKEE -ZELENCHK 78/ 81 60.0 0.87 2.32 472.3 0.00 64.0 0.0 SVETLOE -WETTZELL 73/ 77 67.9 0.91 2.46 452.3 0.00 71.1 0.0 SVETLOE -ZELENCHK 211/ 224 59.1 0.94 3.47 285.3 0.00 62.3 327.8 WETTZELL-ZELENCHK 51/ 51 41.2 0.84 1.43 583.5 0.00 41.8 0.0 Not included: FORTLEZA-WETTZELL 0/ 0 deselected Source Statistics Source # W.Obs W.RMS Del N.R.D. N.R.D. W.RMS Rate N.R.R. ps standard ( 15ps) fs/s OJ287 A 46/ 47 42.6 0.78 2.29 539.3 0.00 1520+437 B 8/ 8 41.3 0.53 1.29 226.4 0.00 1508-055 C 4/ 4 30.9 0.60 1.86 259.4 0.00 1514+197 D 11/ 15 44.2 0.78 2.28 1178.6 0.00 1606-398 E 0/ 0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 1608+243 F 4/ 4 40.4 0.66 0.98 141.3 0.00 1732+389 G 42/ 45 38.7 0.67 2.13 877.0 0.00 1623+578 H 1/ 1 71.8 1.12 3.44 250.6 0.00 1647-296 I 1/ 1 20.8 0.25 0.28 8.4 0.00 1451-375 J 3/ 3 34.1 0.62 0.92 151.2 0.00 1417+273 K 1/ 1 6.6 0.13 0.21 284.1 0.00 1219+044 L 2/ 3 85.3 1.34 4.11 90.2 0.00 1144+402 M 60/ 61 42.2 0.76 2.08 673.2 0.00 1212+171 N 0/ 0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 1243-072 O 28/ 28 59.0 1.10 2.85 365.8 0.00 1255-316 P 4/ 4 60.0 1.04 1.45 613.6 0.00 1334-127 Q 33/ 33 59.7 1.14 2.89 787.6 0.00 1300+580 R 2/ 2 81.7 1.09 2.57 233.9 0.00 1306+360 S 14/ 14 52.9 1.00 2.22 255.3 0.00 1741-038 T 34/ 34 49.4 0.98 2.78 769.5 0.00 1758-651 U 2/ 2 120.1 1.46 1.70 337.5 0.00 2215+020 V 2/ 2 66.5 1.19 3.32 50.6 0.00 2201+171 W 13/ 16 43.0 0.77 1.56 3023.7 0.00 2214+350 X 1/ 1 4.9 0.05 0.12 379.3 0.00 2252-089 Y 0/ 1 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 2309+454 Z 5/ 5 76.5 0.94 2.57 360.1 0.00 3C418 A 61/ 63 58.0 0.96 2.71 690.5 0.00 2319+317 B 19/ 19 54.6 0.88 1.90 502.4 0.00 2325+093 C 17/ 20 52.7 0.98 2.82 1224.9 0.00 2126-158 D 0/ 0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 2113+293 E 12/ 12 79.9 1.28 3.19 1398.3 0.00 1846+322 F 26/ 27 49.7 0.89 2.31 550.1 0.00 1759-396 G 0/ 0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 1803+784 H 75/ 75 55.5 0.87 3.21 396.0 0.00 1851+488 I 10/ 11 54.6 0.70 1.66 845.5 0.00 2059+034 J 5/ 5 82.6 1.50 4.88 1591.2 0.00 1928+154 K 7/ 9 50.0 0.86 1.55 282.6 0.00 2052-474 L 1/ 1 100.8 1.29 1.51 3019.1 0.00 1936-155 M 8/ 8 67.0 1.23 3.29 393.4 0.00 1954-388 N 5/ 5 68.6 1.24 2.50 1287.6 0.00 1133-032 O 1/ 3 61.0 1.40 2.93 73.1 0.00 1124-186 P 13/ 13 54.1 1.02 2.03 193.1 0.00 0346-279 Q 2/ 2 48.1 0.84 1.13 199.1 0.00 0308-611 R 10/ 10 58.4 0.93 1.21 990.6 0.00 0332-403 S 4/ 4 40.5 0.62 0.79 220.7 0.00 0403-132 T 7/ 7 44.4 0.87 2.94 126.7 0.00 0418+532 U 7/ 7 36.9 0.49 1.51 451.1 0.00 0454-234 V 19/ 19 42.6 0.85 1.56 1800.4 0.00 0446+112 W 3/ 3 24.1 0.48 1.21 26.5 0.00 0454+844 X 1/ 1 55.2 0.86 2.47 102.0 0.00 0239+175 Y 4/ 4 35.5 0.53 1.21 1236.9 0.00 0215+015 Z 36/ 37 47.7 0.88 2.56 622.6 0.00 0019+058 A 8/ 10 44.1 0.78 1.86 934.1 0.00 0003-066 B 27/ 27 41.0 0.80 2.15 834.8 0.00 0016+731 C 61/ 63 63.2 0.93 2.73 570.5 0.00 0025+197 D 12/ 12 63.2 1.15 3.64 479.8 0.00 0035-252 E 9/ 9 32.8 0.66 1.26 744.0 0.00 0202+319 F 31/ 32 42.9 0.76 2.04 777.9 0.00 0131-522 G 5/ 5 66.7 1.11 1.65 386.2 0.00 0133+476 H 36/ 37 41.4 0.70 2.45 594.6 0.00 0458-020 I 37/ 37 40.1 0.77 1.98 291.4 0.00 0537-441 J 0/ 0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0955+476 K 18/ 18 60.1 0.93 2.27 208.7 0.00 0920-397 L 3/ 3 80.2 1.26 1.70 572.3 0.00 0951+268 M 4/ 4 37.9 0.57 1.52 527.9 0.00 1034-293 N 1/ 1 146.7 2.02 2.43 1360.1 0.00 1053+704 O 15/ 17 74.5 0.99 2.78 404.1 0.00 1123+264 P 13/ 13 25.0 0.44 0.92 291.0 0.00 1057-797 Q 5/ 5 51.4 1.07 1.88 751.0 0.00 1104-445 R 0/ 0 0.0 0.00 0.00 0.0 0.00 0912+029 S 2/ 2 91.5 1.41 3.90 485.9 0.00 0847-120 T 4/ 5 105.1 1.88 2.94 1664.6 0.00 0606-223 U 8/ 8 55.1 1.04 1.63 252.7 0.00 0544+273 V 3/ 3 47.2 0.74 2.40 134.8 0.00 0552+398 W 41/ 41 44.1 0.75 2.10 535.1 0.00 0613+570 X 52/ 55 58.4 0.90 2.87 494.1 0.00 0748+126 Y 20/ 20 56.9 1.08 3.02 696.6 0.00 0716+714 Z 28/ 35 67.7 0.96 2.52 410.1 0.00 0743+277 A 3/ 4 47.1 0.74 2.23 196.8 0.00 0727-115 B 23/ 23 40.0 0.80 1.96 810.0 0.00 0738+491 C 15/ 18 48.9 0.70 2.03 1519.9 0.00 Station Statistics Station # W.Obs W.RMS Del N.R.D. N.R.D. W.RMS Rate N.R.R. ps standard ( 15ps) fs/s FORTLEZA 347/ 350 48.2 0.88 1.74 806.6 0.00 HART15M 399/ 409 45.7 0.89 1.70 799.4 0.00 KOKEE 254/ 273 72.4 0.89 2.89 806.3 0.00 SVETLOE 603/ 640 57.9 0.92 2.95 760.1 0.00 WETTZELL 157/ 162 55.5 0.88 2.04 521.7 0.00 ZELENCHK 556/ 580 47.4 0.90 2.60 577.5 0.00 *** Flyby Status *** directory: /ops/solve/save_files Station Source Nutation Nutation Earth Earth Station Pressure EOP Intp. EOP Intp. High Freq Axis Positions Positions Model Time Rotation Rotation Velocity Loading Smoothing Smoothing EOP Offset Series Series Interpol. Model CALC Mod File Model Mod File --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 23Feb24.s usn2023b. NONE NONE last_usno C. Spline 23Feb24.v NONE NO_ZONAL N/A NONE NONE Site Plate Map: /ops/solve/save_files/sitpl.dat Parameter adjustments for run 23289-1512 User=RS Reference epoch for polynomial models: 23/08/25 00:00 Parameter Adjustment a-sigma m-sigma WETTZELL CLCK 23/08/24 19:51 Reference Station positions are for epoch: 2023.08.25-06:42:58 1. FORTLEZA 7297 SOAM X Comp 4985369990.86 mm 13.884 mm 16.362 mm 16.362 mm 2. FORTLEZA 7297 SOAM Y Comp -3955020405.20 mm 17.067 mm 9.359 mm 9.359 mm 3. FORTLEZA 7297 SOAM Z Comp -428471933.56 mm 27.218 mm 15.170 mm 15.170 mm FORTLEZA 7297 U Comp -1.57 mm -1.571 mm 13.967 mm 13.967 mm FORTLEZA 7297 E Comp 22.00 mm 21.999 mm 12.093 mm 12.093 mm FORTLEZA 7297 N Comp 27.17 mm 27.174 mm 15.624 mm 15.624 mm 4. FORTLEZA CL 0 23/08/24 18:30 4259.137 ns 0.081 ns 0.081 ns 5. FORTLEZA CL 1 23/08/24 18:30 28.442 D-14 0.091 D-14 0.091 D-14 31. FORTLEZA AT 0 23/08/24 18:30 3822.674 ps 10.352 ps 10.352 ps FORTLEZA Atm 2023.08.25-06:37:36.269 Avg: 364.555 ps Rms: 77.941 ps Tot_Rms: 77.941 ps 57. FORTLEZA NG 23/08/24 18:30 1.041 mm 0.229 mm 0.229 mm 58. FORTLEZA EG 23/08/24 18:30 0.576 mm 0.377 mm 0.377 mm 59. FORTLEZA NG 23/08/25 18:28 -0.726 mm 0.296 mm 0.296 mm 60. FORTLEZA EG 23/08/25 18:28 -1.081 mm 0.529 mm 0.529 mm Station positions are for epoch: 2023.08.25-07:02:49 61. HART15M 7378 AFRC X Comp 5085490803.66 mm 14.038 mm 15.166 mm 15.166 mm 62. HART15M 7378 AFRC Y Comp 2668161716.04 mm 16.152 mm 8.130 mm 8.130 mm 63. HART15M 7378 AFRC Z Comp -2768692423.41 mm 29.233 mm 15.045 mm 15.045 mm HART15M 7378 U Comp 5.17 mm 5.170 mm 10.787 mm 10.787 mm HART15M 7378 E Comp 7.78 mm 7.781 mm 6.700 mm 6.700 mm HART15M 7378 N Comp 35.00 mm 35.003 mm 19.006 mm 19.006 mm 64. HART15M CL 0 23/08/24 18:30 13730.031 ns 0.080 ns 0.080 ns 65. HART15M CL 1 23/08/24 18:30 4.277 D-14 0.088 D-14 0.088 D-14 91. HART15M AT 0 23/08/24 18:30 -243.235 ps 10.152 ps 10.152 ps HART15M Atm 2023.08.25-07:17:33.668 Avg: -124.941 ps Rms: 65.642 ps Tot_Rms: 65.642 ps 117. HART15M NG 23/08/24 18:30 0.114 mm 0.408 mm 0.408 mm 118. HART15M EG 23/08/24 18:30 -0.115 mm 0.282 mm 0.282 mm 119. HART15M NG 23/08/25 18:28 0.892 mm 0.439 mm 0.439 mm 120. HART15M EG 23/08/25 18:28 0.813 mm 0.260 mm 0.260 mm Station positions are for epoch: 2023.08.25-06:55:49 121. KOKEE 7298 PCFC X Comp -5543837780.42 mm 93.133 mm 25.533 mm 25.533 mm 122. KOKEE 7298 PCFC Y Comp -2054566174.99 mm -5.487 mm 11.954 mm 11.954 mm 123. KOKEE 7298 PCFC Z Comp 2387852785.17 mm 0.059 mm 22.314 mm 22.314 mm KOKEE 7298 U Comp -79.11 mm -79.109 mm 27.640 mm 27.640 mm KOKEE 7298 E Comp 37.51 mm 37.509 mm 8.619 mm 8.619 mm KOKEE 7298 N Comp 32.23 mm 32.229 mm 21.318 mm 21.318 mm 124. KOKEE CL 0 23/08/24 19:51 9152.788 ns 0.119 ns 0.119 ns 125. KOKEE CL 1 23/08/24 19:51 -13.079 D-14 0.103 D-14 0.103 D-14 151. KOKEE AT 0 23/08/24 18:30 462.157 ps 20.870 ps 20.870 ps KOKEE Atm 2023.08.25-05:42:48.370 Avg: -182.587 ps Rms: 28.050 ps Tot_Rms: 28.050 ps 177. KOKEE NG 23/08/24 18:30 0.762 mm 0.673 mm 0.673 mm 178. KOKEE EG 23/08/24 18:30 0.484 mm 0.517 mm 0.517 mm 179. KOKEE NG 23/08/25 18:28 -2.288 mm 0.850 mm 0.850 mm 180. KOKEE EG 23/08/25 18:28 0.034 mm 0.384 mm 0.384 mm Station positions are for epoch: 2023.08.25-07:29:35 181. SVETLOE 7380 EURA X Comp 2730173512.68 mm 36.925 mm 13.272 mm 13.272 mm 182. SVETLOE 7380 EURA Y Comp 1562442966.23 mm 18.578 mm 7.291 mm 7.291 mm 183. SVETLOE 7380 EURA Z Comp 5529969266.50 mm 39.590 mm 16.350 mm 16.350 mm SVETLOE 7380 U Comp 54.77 mm 54.773 mm 20.377 mm 20.377 mm SVETLOE 7380 E Comp -2.22 mm -2.217 mm 6.640 mm 6.640 mm SVETLOE 7380 N Comp -16.46 mm -16.460 mm 6.109 mm 6.109 mm 184. SVETLOE CL 0 23/08/24 19:51 218706.436 ns 0.079 ns 0.079 ns 185. SVETLOE CL 1 23/08/24 19:51 9.521 D-14 0.086 D-14 0.086 D-14 211. SVETLOE AT 0 23/08/24 18:30 807.868 ps 13.046 ps 13.046 ps SVETLOE Atm 2023.08.25-07:12:07.150 Avg: 27.095 ps Rms: 40.527 ps Tot_Rms: 40.527 ps 237. SVETLOE NG 23/08/24 18:30 1.261 mm 0.769 mm 0.769 mm 238. SVETLOE EG 23/08/24 18:30 3.887 mm 0.792 mm 0.792 mm 239. SVETLOE NG 23/08/25 18:28 -3.329 mm 0.655 mm 0.655 mm 240. SVETLOE EG 23/08/25 18:28 -2.650 mm 0.677 mm 0.677 mm 241. WETTZELL AT 0 23/08/24 18:30 409.997 ps 16.502 ps 16.502 ps WETTZELL Atm 2023.08.25-06:49:13.009 Avg: 44.356 ps Rms: 50.856 ps Tot_Rms: 50.856 ps 267. WETTZELL NG 23/08/24 18:30 -0.028 mm 1.031 mm 1.031 mm 268. WETTZELL EG 23/08/24 18:30 -3.049 mm 1.060 mm 1.060 mm 269. WETTZELL NG 23/08/25 18:28 2.246 mm 0.802 mm 0.802 mm 270. WETTZELL EG 23/08/25 18:28 2.143 mm 1.270 mm 1.270 mm Station positions are for epoch: 2023.08.25-06:43:04 271. ZELENCHK 7381 EURA X Comp 3451207368.43 mm 43.239 mm 13.471 mm 13.471 mm 272. ZELENCHK 7381 EURA Y Comp 3060375620.22 mm 28.138 mm 8.139 mm 8.139 mm 273. ZELENCHK 7381 EURA Z Comp 4391915171.33 mm 18.860 mm 15.542 mm 15.542 mm ZELENCHK 7381 U Comp 49.88 mm 49.883 mm 20.045 mm 20.045 mm ZELENCHK 7381 E Comp -7.64 mm -7.635 mm 7.768 mm 7.768 mm ZELENCHK 7381 N Comp -21.69 mm -21.690 mm 5.206 mm 5.206 mm 274. ZELENCHK CL 0 23/08/24 18:30 216715.788 ns 0.078 ns 0.078 ns 275. ZELENCHK CL 1 23/08/24 18:30 -15.188 D-14 0.093 D-14 0.093 D-14 301. ZELENCHK BR 0 23/08/25 16:00 3.288 ns 1.232 ns 1.232 ns 302. ZELENCHK BR 1 23/08/25 16:00 -5.561 D-14 1.966 D-14 1.966 D-14 303. ZELENCHK AT 0 23/08/24 18:30 1540.502 ps 13.060 ps 13.060 ps ZELENCHK Atm 2023.08.25-06:49:26.413 Avg: -9.038 ps Rms: 36.683 ps Tot_Rms: 36.683 ps 329. ZELENCHK NG 23/08/24 18:30 -0.198 mm 0.785 mm 0.785 mm 330. ZELENCHK EG 23/08/24 18:30 0.831 mm 0.637 mm 0.637 mm 331. ZELENCHK NG 23/08/25 18:28 -3.932 mm 0.793 mm 0.793 mm 332. ZELENCHK EG 23/08/25 18:28 1.061 mm 0.709 mm 0.709 mm Atmosphere Constraint Statistics 1. FORTLEZA Input 40.00 ps/h RMS 46.50 ps/h NRMS 1.16 share 0.17 count 25 2. HART15M Input 40.00 ps/h RMS 40.91 ps/h NRMS 1.02 share 0.17 count 25 3. KOKEE Input 40.00 ps/h RMS 38.53 ps/h NRMS 0.96 share 0.32 count 25 4. SVETLOE Input 40.00 ps/h RMS 58.81 ps/h NRMS 1.47 share 0.32 count 25 5. WETTZELL Input 40.00 ps/h RMS 52.63 ps/h NRMS 1.32 share 0.44 count 25 6. ZELENCHK Input 40.00 ps/h RMS 39.40 ps/h NRMS 0.99 share 0.31 count 25 Overall RMS 46.73 ps/h NRMS 1.17 share 0.29 count 150 Clock Constraint Statistics 1. FORTLEZA Input 2.00 D-14 RMS 1.83 D-14 NRMS 0.92 share 0.47 count 25 2. HART15M Input 2.00 D-14 RMS 1.83 D-14 NRMS 0.92 share 0.43 count 25 3. KOKEE Input 2.00 D-14 RMS 1.58 D-14 NRMS 0.79 share 0.65 count 25 4. SVETLOE Input 2.00 D-14 RMS 1.70 D-14 NRMS 0.85 share 0.46 count 25 5. ZELENCHK Input 2.00 D-14 RMS 2.05 D-14 NRMS 1.02 share 0.49 count 25 Overall RMS 1.81 D-14 NRMS 0.90 share 0.50 count 125 333. UT1-TAI 1, 23/08/25 06:57 1.0378 ms/d -42.14 micros/d 17.46 micros/d 17.46 micros/d EOP without included hi-freq variations (a-sigmas) XWOB YWOB UT1-TAI XSIG YSIG USIG mas mas ms microasec microasec microsec 23/08/25 06:57 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.00 0.00 0.00 EOP epoch (TT) MJD: 60181.290758 NUT epoch (TT) MJD: 60181.290758 334. Nutation offset in longitude (Psi) 1.086 mas 127.6 microasec 127.6 microasec Nutation offset around X-axis (dX) 0.432 mas 50.7 microasec 50.7 microasec Nutation offset wrt IAU 1980 model (Psi) -119.435 mas 127.6 microasec 127.6 microasec 335. Nutation offset in obliquity (Eps) 0.134 mas 54.2 microasec 54.2 microasec Nutation offset around Y-axis (dY) 0.134 mas 54.2 microasec 54.2 microasec Nutation offset wrt IAU 1980 model (Eps) -9.428 mas 54.2 microasec 54.2 microasec General constraints usage information: 1) CLO_RATE "Clock rate between segments " sigma 2.000E+00 10^-14 sec/sec 2) ATM_RATE "Atmosphere rate between segments" sigma 4.000E+01 psec/hr Corrected Reduced Chi-Square 1.0000 1 Baseline information for run 23289-1512 Monument to monument values at epoch 2023Aug25 Baseline vector components: Length, Vertical and Transverse components Vector mag c-sigma Length c-sigma Horizontal c-sigma Vertical c-sigma (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) (mm) FORTLEZA 7297 to HART15M 7378 7025183095.78 7.43 7025183095.78 7.43 -1.57 4.28 0.35 12.22 2023/08/25 06:29:44 FORTLEZA 7297 to KOKEE 7298 11063798059.11 25.14 11063798059.11 25.14 -7.70 10.94 -5.97 15.71 2023/08/25 06:29:44 FORTLEZA 7297 to SVETLOE 7380 8428008943.08 10.15 8428008943.08 10.15 7.50 4.26 -24.84 12.77 2023/08/25 06:29:44 FORTLEZA 7297 to WETTZELL 7224 7215409859.10 13.73 7215409859.10 13.73 -3.46 5.56 18.45 19.13 2023/08/25 06:29:44 FORTLEZA 7297 to ZELENCHK 7381 8649021227.07 10.24 8649021227.07 10.24 24.00 4.07 -21.85 12.85 2023/08/25 06:29:44 HART15M 7378 to KOKEE 7298 12723079162.27 27.85 12723079162.27 27.85 26.11 9.92 44.85 8.31 2023/08/25 06:29:44 HART15M 7378 to SVETLOE 7380 8697006343.48 8.62 8697006343.48 8.62 -8.82 4.02 -23.40 11.61 2023/08/25 06:29:44 HART15M 7378 to WETTZELL 7224 7832301892.03 12.69 7832301892.03 12.69 -13.72 6.38 24.53 17.91 2023/08/25 06:29:44 HART15M 7378 to ZELENCHK 7381 7355203275.18 7.52 7355203275.18 7.52 -3.70 3.60 -28.91 12.33 2023/08/25 06:29:44 KOKEE 7298 to SVETLOE 7380 9561114683.38 20.29 9561114683.38 20.29 -40.32 6.68 -54.51 22.95 2023/08/25 06:29:44 KOKEE 7298 to WETTZELL 7224 10357448342.17 25.68 10357448342.17 25.68 -34.47 8.71 -17.40 23.61 2023/08/25 06:29:44 KOKEE 7298 to ZELENCHK 7381 10539911424.98 22.71 10539911424.98 22.71 -45.67 7.43 -37.05 21.18 2023/08/25 06:29:44 SVETLOE 7380 to WETTZELL 7224 1654774842.48 6.18 1654774842.48 6.18 10.59 5.46 55.98 20.70 2023/08/25 06:29:44 SVETLOE 7380 to ZELENCHK 7381 2014661058.48 3.75 2014661058.48 3.75 4.51 3.67 9.82 13.66 2023/08/25 06:29:44 WETTZELL 7224 to ZELENCHK 7381 2255828960.60 6.59 2255828960.60 6.59 22.72 4.88 -48.75 20.55 2023/08/25 06:29:44 -- Note: a posteriori baseline vectors are expressed in a baseline-centric reference frames. The first basis vector of the frame, l, is in direction of a priori baseline, (r_2 - r_1). Direction of the second vector, h, is defined by a cross product of a priori baseline vector and a priori geocentric vector of the 2nd station. The last basis vector, v, is perpendicular to the vectors l and h and is radially inward at the center of the baseline. For the short baselines, the vectors l and h are close to the horizontal plane and v is almost vertical (with opposite sign). In the table above the columns are: * Vector mag: length of the a posteriori baseline; * Length: l-component of the baseline; * Horizontal: h-component of the baseline; * Vertical: v-component of the baseline; * c-sigma: calculated (using standard deviations of adjusted station coordinates of baselines) standard deviations of the corresponding values.