==================================== r11095 ==================================== Hb : Late start 17:14. SAR (19:13-19:20). Ke : Power outage (00:41:01:53). Not tracking (04:21-08:59). On : All scans before 080-1016 are missing the first 6-8 seconds. Yg : Antenna drive issues. Almost no data. No problems found for : Ag, Kk, Kv, Ma, Mc, Ns, Ny, Wz ================================ r11095ag READY ================================ 2023-03-20 16:40:23 r11095, AGGO, Ready-message Session r11095 ready message for AGGO (DBBC2) -------------------------------------- First source: 0420-014 at 17:00:00 UT FMOUT-GPS: 0.036171172245 microseconds Cable difference is negative = -107 microseconds Wx: Temperature (C): 23.3 Pressure (mBar): 1014.0 Humidity (%): 61.40 Sky Conditions: cloudy, no rain, light breeze Pointing values: SEFD X/S Source Az/El Offset1/Offset2 0/0 oriona 86.4904/14.4147 0.00641/-0.05527 Tsys (x1/s/x2): 120.9/123.3/127.6 -- Ing. Martn Manuel Garca Asistente tcnico del Sistema VLBI en AGGO ================================ r11095ag STOP ================================= 2023-03-21 19:00:45 Session r11095 STOP message from AGGO Session r11095 stop message from AGGO. ------------------------------------- Comments: No scans were lost Last Scan: 080-1654c finished at 16:57:36 UT -- Ing. Martn Manuel Garca Asistente tcnico del Sistema VLBI en AGGO ================================ r11095hb START ================================ 2023-03-20 17:15:57 r11095, Hobart12 (Hb), start message Session r11095 start message for Hobart12 (Hb) ----------------------------------------------------------- Started recording with source: 1546+027 at 79/17:09:00 UT Comments: Exp started ok Regards, Prad ================================ r11095hb START ================================ 2023-03-20 17:17:33 r11095, Hobart12 (Hb), start message Session r11095 start message for Hobart12 (Hb) ----------------------------------------------------------- Started recording with source: 1954-388 at 79/17:09:00 UT Comments: ignore previous email. exp start delayed due to filled disk. Regards, Prad ================================ r11095hb STOP ================================= 2023-03-21 19:45:01 Hobart12 has completed r11095 Hobart12 has completed r11095 The log and procedure files from experiment r11095 have been copied to ivs.bkg.bund.de: Formatter (H-maser) leads GPS by 0 at Additional experiment notes: Recorded 4.02T to flexbuf-2hb using the DBBC3. The data will be archived in Hobart for e-transfer to BONN. Known problems: no Missed Scans: first 2 scans Observers: Lrad,Warren,David Regards, Prad Comments from the log: ================================ r11095ke START ================================ 2023-03-20 17:14:57 r11095, Katherine (Ke), start message Session r11095 start message for Katherine (Ke) ----------------------------------------------------------- Started recording with source: 1424-418 at 79/17:00:00 UT Comments: Exp stsrted ok Regards, Prad ================================ r11095ke STOP ================================= 2023-03-21 20:03:37 Katherine has completed r11095 Katherine has completed r11095 The log and procedure files from experiment r11095 have been copied to ivs.bkg.bund.de: Formatter (H-maser) leads GPS by 0 at Additional experiment notes: Recorded 3.56T to flexbuffke using the DBBC3. The data will be archived in Hobart for e-transfer to BONN. Known problems: power issues Missed Scans: between 0012=0153 Observers: Pradyumna,Warren,David Regards, Pradyumna Comments from the log: ================================ r11095kk READY ================================ 2023-03-20 16:31:52 r11095, Kokee Park 20m, Ready-message Session r11095 ready message for Kokee Park 20m. ------------------------------------------------ First source: 1424-418 at 079/1700:00 UT FMOUT-GPS: +6.69 microseconds Wx: Temperature (C): 13.9 Pressure (mBar): 889.5 Humidity (%): 91.1 Sky Conditions: mostly cloudy Cable difference is: longer cable makes the reading smaller by 53.3 microseconds and is nominal Pointing values: SEFD X/S Source Az/El Offset1 Offset2 2431/780 casa 34/21 -0.002 0.001 Tsys (x1/s/x2): 92/39/47 ================================ r11095kk START ================================ 2023-03-20 17:00:00 r11095, Kokee Park 20m, Autostart-message Session r11095 auto-start message for Kokee Park 20m. ----------------------------------------------------- Started recording with source: 1424-418 at 079.17:00:00 UT ================================ r11095kk STOP ================================= 2023-03-21 17:09:23 r11095, Kokee Park 20m, Stop-message Session r11095 stop message for Kokee Park 20m. ----------------------------------------------- Comments: Data will be sent out via e-transfer. Observation finished at: 080/1700:00 UT ================================ r11095kv READY ================================ 2023-03-20 08:17:33 r11095, Sejong, Ready-message First source of r11095 : 1424-418 at 079/17:00:00 for 121 second (UT) FMOUT-GPS: -17.4 usec Wx: Temperature (C) 18.0 Pressure (hPa) 993.6 Humidity (%) 8.6 Point values SEFD S/X1/X2 AZ/EL Source Offset1 Offset2 3380/1155/991 25/63 cas-a 0 +0.08 ================================ r11095kv START ================================ 2023-03-21 00:01:50 r11095, Sejong, Start-message Session r11095 start-message for Sejong(Kv) Started recording with source 1424-418 at 079/17:00:00 (UT) ================================ r11095kv STOP ================================= 2023-03-21 23:42:23 r11095, Sejong, Stop-message Sejong finished r11095. FMOUT-GPS: -17.4usec ================================ r11095ma READY ================================ 2023-03-20 10:58:12 r11095, MATERA, Ready-message Session r11095 ready message for MATERA. ---------------------------------------- First source: 0420-014 at 17:00:00 UT GPS-FMOUT: 5.803 microseconds Wx: Temperature (C): 12.8 Pressure (mBar): 961.9 Humidity (%): 77.7 Sky Conditions: cloudy sky Cable difference is: longer cable makes the reading smaller by 258.2 microseconds and is nominal Pointing values: SEFD X/S Source Az/El Offset1 Offset2 1200/1400 cygnusa 289/48 0.007 0.004 Tsys (x1/s/x2): 54/272/0 ================================ r11095ma START ================================ 2023-03-20 17:02:48 r11095, MATERA, Start-message Session r11095 start message for MATERA. ---------------------------------------- Started recording with source: 0420-014 at: 17:00 UT ================================ r11095ma STOP ================================= 2023-03-21 16:53:37 r11095, MATERA, Stop-message Session r11095 stop message for MATERA. --------------------------------------- Problem scans: Source Scan start Explanation of problem 0 0 0 Disk Inventory: A 0, B 0, C 0, D 4, E 0, F 0, G 0, H 0, (other larger) 12 Observation finished at: 16:52:37 UT ================================ r11095ns READY ================================ 2023-03-20 16:14:15 r11095, Ny-Alesund 13m NS, Ready-message Session r11095 ready message for Ny-Alesund 13m NS. --------------------------------------------------- First source: 0059+581 at 17:03:26 UT FMOUT-GPS: 12.777 microseconds Wx: Temperature (C): -18.5 Pressure (mBar): 1003.6 Humidity (%): 68.5 Sky Conditions: Clear sky Cable difference is: na Pointing values: na Tsys values: na ================================ r11095ns START ================================ 2023-03-20 17:03:36 r11095, Ny-Alesund 13m NS, Autostart-message Session r11095 auto-start message for Ny-Alesund 13m NS. -------------------------------------------------------- Started recording with source: 0059+581 at 079.17:03:26 UT ================================ r11095ns STOP ================================= 2023-03-21 17:05:29 r11095, Ny-Alesund 13m NS, Stop-message Session r11095 stop message for Ny-Alesund 13m NS. -------------------------------------------------- Disk Inventory: A 0, B 0, C 0, D 6, E 0, F 0, G 1, H 0, (other larger) 14 Observation finished at: 17:00:00 UT ================================ r11095ny READY ================================ 2023-03-20 16:40:06 r11095, Ny-Alesund, Ready-message Session r11095 ready message for Ny-Alesund. -------------------------------------------- Comments: Ny as tagalong azeloff=0d,0.16d First source: 0420-014 at 17:00:00 UT GPS-FMOUT: 93.103 microseconds Wx: Temperature (C): -19 Pressure (mBar): 998.2 Humidity (%): 71 Sky Conditions: Clear sky Cable difference is: longer cable makes the reading larger by 655.2 microseconds and is nominal Pointing values: SEFD X/S Source Az/El Offset1 Offset2 988/1632 casa 281/58 0.0163 0.1623 877/1755 cygnusa 321/32 0.0145 0.1539 Tsys (x1/s/x2): 44/23/60 ================================ r11095ny START ================================ 2023-03-20 17:00:00 r11095, Ny-Alesund, Autostart-message Session r11095 auto-start message for Ny-Alesund. ------------------------------------------------- Started recording with source: 0420-014 at 079.17:00:00 UT ================================ r11095ny STOP ================================= 2023-03-21 17:10:10 r11095, Ny-Alesund, Stop-message Session r11095 stop message for Ny-Alesund. ------------------------------------------- Comments: Ny as tagalong azeloff=0d,0.16d Disk Inventory: A 0, B 0, C 0, D 6, E 0, F 0, G 1, H 0, (other larger) 14 Observation finished at: 16:58:15 UT ================================ r11095on READY ================================ 2023-03-20 16:44:41 r11095, ready message ONSALA60 READY MESSAGE DATA FROM LOGFILE /usr2/log/r11095on.log Clock: 2023.079.16:23:52.02/gps-fmout/+9.256946E-05 Pointing: 2023.079.16:12:24.68#fivpt#xoffset 307.8448 49.7660 0.00199 -0.00393 0.00107 0.00121 1 1 4u casa Cable: 2023.079.16:16:05.26/cablediff/666.0e-6,- Weather: 2023.079.16:17:41.53/wx/5.9,1009.1,84.6,4.2,246.0 SEFD: 2023.079.16:14:13.88#onoff# source Az El De I P Center Comp Tsys SEFD Tcal(j) Tcal(r) 2023.079.16:14:13.88#onoff#VAL casa 308.2 49.4 1l 1 r 8208.99 0.9177 81.02 2557.9 104.027 1.60 2023.079.16:14:13.88#onoff#VAL casa 308.2 49.4 8l 2 r 8928.99 0.9583 79.20 1608.0 61.058 1.03 2023.079.16:14:13.88#onoff#VAL casa 308.2 49.4 1u 1 r 8216.99 0.9331 80.55 2553.9 100.906 1.61 2023.079.16:14:13.88#onoff#VAL casa 308.2 49.4 2u 1 r 8256.99 0.9541 80.92 1703.6 62.449 1.07 2023.079.16:14:13.88#onoff#VAL casa 308.2 49.4 3u 1 r 8356.99 0.9291 73.60 1556.2 67.338 1.07 2023.079.16:14:13.88#onoff#VAL casa 308.2 49.4 4u 1 r 8516.99 0.9639 70.90 1476.7 60.233 1.06 2023.079.16:14:13.88#onoff#VAL casa 308.2 49.4 5u 2 r 8736.99 0.8856 70.71 1513.8 60.564 1.09 2023.079.16:14:13.88#onoff#VAL casa 308.2 49.4 6u 2 r 8856.99 0.9271 66.85 1597.7 73.295 1.21 2023.079.16:14:13.88#onoff#VAL casa 308.2 49.4 7u 2 r 8916.99 0.9056 74.30 1607.8 64.419 1.10 2023.079.16:14:13.88#onoff#VAL casa 308.2 49.4 8u 2 r 8936.99 0.9818 79.61 1603.7 59.114 1.02 2023.079.16:14:13.88#onoff#VAL casa 308.2 49.4 9u 3 r 2229.99 0.8959 283.7 4850.0 117.250 0.85 2023.079.16:14:13.88#onoff#VAL casa 308.2 49.4 au 3 r 2249.99 0.8009 292.5 5147.4 120.737 0.88 2023.079.16:14:13.88#onoff#VAL casa 308.2 49.4 bu 3 r 2269.99 0.9639 215.1 4005.5 126.612 0.93 2023.079.16:14:13.88#onoff#VAL casa 308.2 49.4 cu 3 r 2299.99 1.8348 92.22 2055.6 176.307 1.11 2023.079.16:14:13.88#onoff#VAL casa 308.2 49.4 du 4 r 2349.99 0.6090 62.79 141691 16728.9 112.8 2023.079.16:14:13.88#onoff#VAL casa 308.2 49.4 eu 4 r 2369.99 0.8642 156.5 4349.3 195.717 1.39 2023.079.16:14:13.88#onoff# source Az El De I P Center Comp Tsys SEFD Tcal(j) Tcal(r) Schedule start: First scan is 079-1700a with source 0420-014 ================================ r11095on START ================================ 2023-03-20 17:19:45 R11095 On Start message On has started R11095. We have mk5 timeout errors, but data arrive on disk without loss. We leave the telescope/FS running as it is and will investigate after the experiment is done. -- Rebekka Handirk, PhD candidate Dept. of Space, Earth and Environment Chalmers University of Technology Onsala Space Observatory SE-439 92 Onsala, Sweden ================================ r11095on STOP ================================= 2023-03-21 17:03:20 r11095 On Stop message On has stopped r11095. mk5 errors on multiple scans, scan 079-1731b partly lost during jive5ab restart. Rest appears OK despite errors. All scans before r11095_on_080-1016 are missing around the first 6-8 seconds due to jive5ab checking for existing scans. No further known issues. -- Rebekka Handirk, PhD candidate Dept. of Space, Earth and Environment Chalmers University of Technology Onsala Space Observatory SE-439 92 Onsala, Sweden ================================ r11095yg START ================================ 2023-03-20 17:18:16 r11095, Yarragadee (Yg), start message Session r11095 start message for Yarragadee (Yg) ----------------------------------------------------------- Started recording with source: 0308-611 at 79/17:00:00 UT Comments: exp starte dok Regards, Prad ================================ r11095yg STOP ================================= 2023-03-21 20:08:52 Yarragadee has completed r11095 Yarragadee has completed r11095 The log and procedure files from experiment r11095 have been copied to ivs.bkg.bund.de: Formatter (H-maser) leads GPS by 0 at Additional experiment notes: Recorded 1063.33 GB to module MAT+0003 using the Mark5B+ recorder. The Module is being sent to Hobart for e-transfer to BONN. Known problems: Antenna drive issues persisted throughout Missed Scans: the antenna was rebooted on multiple instances and was discontinued for the experiment post 0307UT Observers: Pradyumna,Warren,David Regards, Pradyunma Comments from the log: ================================================================================