BKG Analysis Report for i23180 (20230629-i23180) This report is a contributed analysis report that does not correspond to the database maintained by the IVS Data Centers for this session. (Analyzed by Gerald Engelhardt, Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG), Spoolfile source: interactive nuSolve analysis.) Problems: None. Number of observations rejected during correlation: 0 Number of observations not usable by the software: 3 observation 45, 0552+398, KOKEE :SVETLOE , 19:11:12, quality codes - S:4, X:8 observation 60, 0529+483, KOKEE :SVETLOE , 19:25:45, quality codes - S:8, X:0 observation 61, 0529+483, KOKEE :WETTZELL, 19:25:45, quality codes - S:9, X:0 Number of observations rejected during analysis: 5 observation 11, KOKEE :WETTZELL, 1053+704, 18:38:27, which fits at 144.9 +/- 53.0 ps observation 22, KOKEE :SVETLOE , 1039+811, 18:48:17, which fits at -167.9 +/- 72.5 ps observation 46, KOKEE :WETTZELL, 0552+398, 19:11:12, which fits at 296.9 +/- 48.2 ps observation 47, SVETLOE :WETTZELL, 0552+398, 19:11:12, which fits at 243.6 +/- 37.4 ps observation 48, KOKEE :WETTZELL, 0827+243, 19:12:38, which fits at 148.9 +/- 49.6 ps Other comments: The vgosDb BKG analysis output is available at ftp://ivs.bkg.bund.de/pub/vlbi/ivsdata/vgosdb_bkg/20230629-i23180.tgz Parameterization: 10 parameters: UT1 offset atmosphere offset for: KOKEE SVETLOE WETTZELL clock offset (0), first order term (1), and/or second order term (2) for: SVETLOE(0,1,2) WETTZELL (0,1,2) Clock breaks: None. ----------------------------------------- Session Statistics Observations: 52 scheduled (included in correlation report) 65 correlated (included in database) 62 recoverable (usable in Solve/nuSolve) 57 used Session fit: 40.755 ps UT1 formal error: 5.990 microsec ----------------------------------------- Source Performance Number of Observations Scheduled(*) Correlated* Used 0016+731 4 4 4 0059+581 3 3 3 0529+483 3 3 1 0552+398 4 4 1 0602+673 1 1 1 0613+570 3 3 3 0642+449 3 3 3 0716+714 3 3 3 0805+410 2 2 2 0821+394 3 3 3 0827+243 5 5 4 0955+476 3 3 3 1039+811 4 4 3 1053+704 6 6 5 1803+784 3 3 3 2000+472 1 1 1 2113+293 4 4 4 2229+695 1 1 1 2309+454 3 3 3 2353+816 2 2 2 3C371 1 1 1 OJ287 3 3 3 ------------ --------- ---------- ------ Source Total 52 65 57 * Correlated means included in the database. (*) All possible observations on scheduled network. Please note that the number of recoverable (usable) observations cannot be broken down by source for Intensive solutions.