BKG Analysis Report for C23315 (20231111-c23315) This report is a contributed analysis report that does not correspond to the database maintained by the IVS Data Centers for this session. (Analyzed by Gerald Engelhardt, Federal Agency for Cartography and Geodesy (BKG), Spoolfile source: interactive nuSolve analysis.) Problems: None. Number of observations rejected during correlation: 0 Number of observations not usable by the software: 7 observation 51, 0716+714, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 07:07:39, quality codes - S:-, X:4 observation 150, 0716+714, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 07:25:24, quality codes - S:-, X:4 observation 168, 2000+472, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 07:28:27, quality codes - S:-, X:3 observation 246, 0718+793, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 07:41:21, quality codes - S:-, X:4 observation 252, 2000+472, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 07:42:29, quality codes - S:-, X:4 observation 327, 0716+714, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 07:56:14, quality codes - S:-, X:4 observation 339, 2000+472, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 07:58:12, quality codes - S:-, X:4 Number of observations rejected during analysis: 3 observation 68, ISHIOKA :ONSA13SW, 1739+522, 07:11:52, which fits at -324.2 +/- 43.3 ps observation 304, ISHIOKA :ONSA13NE, 1749+096, 07:52:46, which fits at -337.7 +/- 42.6 ps observation 318, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 1639-062, 07:54:45, which fits at 943.8 +/- 63.3 ps Other comments: Correlator TIMETAG: 2023/11/13 04:58:21. Parameterization: 10 parameters: UT1 offset atmosphere offset for: ISHIOKA ONSA13NE ONSA13SW clock offset (0), first order term (1), and/or second order term (2) for: ONSA13NE(0,1,2) ONSA13SW (0,1,2) Clock breaks: None. ----------------------------------------- Session Statistics Observations: 232 scheduled (included in correlation report) 348 correlated (included in database) 341 recoverable (usable in Solve/nuSolve) 338 used Session fit: 29.433 ps UT1 formal error: 3.160 microsec ----------------------------------------- Source Performance Number of Observations Scheduled(*) Correlated* Used 0016+731 12 12 12 0133+476 15 15 15 0300+470 15 15 15 0602+673 12 12 12 0716+714 12 12 9 0718+793 9 9 8 0917+624 3 3 3 0954+658 3 3 3 1039+811 12 12 12 1044+719 9 9 9 1324+224 6 6 6 1418+546 6 6 6 1504+377 15 15 15 1514+197 15 15 15 1546+027 15 15 15 1614+051 15 15 15 1637+574 15 15 15 1639-062 3 3 2 1642+690 15 15 15 1705+018 9 9 9 1726+455 3 3 3 1739+522 15 15 14 1746+470 9 9 9 1749+096 9 9 8 1751+288 12 12 12 1821+107 3 3 3 1823+568 15 15 15 1923+210 6 6 6 2000+472 12 12 9 2007+777 12 12 12 3C371 12 12 12 3C418 9 9 9 4C67.05 12 12 12 DA426 3 3 3 ------------ --------- ---------- ------ Source Total 232 348 338 * Correlated means included in the database. (*) All possible observations on scheduled network. Please note that the number of recoverable (usable) observations cannot be broken down by source for Intensive solutions.