IVS Analysis Report for B23169 (20230618-b23169) This report is the official IVS analysis report that corresponds to the database maintained by the IVS Data Centers for this session. (Analyzed by autoINT.js script, NVI inc, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center VLBI Analysis Center. Spoolfile source: automated nuSolve solutions.) Problems: None. Number of observations rejected during correlation: 3 observation of 1732+389 at 07:30:00 observation of 1732+389 at 07:30:00 observation of 1732+389 at 07:30:00 Number of observations not usable by the software: 13 observation 18, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 0016+731, 07:32:47, quality code X: 3 S: -, fringe code X: 'G' S: '-' observation 24, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 1039+811, 07:33:44, quality code X: 4 S: -, fringe code X: ' ' S: '-' observation 30, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 0955+476, 07:34:41, quality code X: 4 S: -, fringe code X: ' ' S: '-' observation 36, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 0917+449, 07:35:36, quality code X: 4 S: -, fringe code X: ' ' S: '-' observation 42, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 0716+714, 07:36:34, quality code X: 3 S: -, fringe code X: ' ' S: '-' observation 63, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 2229+695, 07:41:21, quality code X: 4 S: -, fringe code X: ' ' S: '-' observation 153, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 0602+673, 07:55:20, quality code X: 1 S: -, fringe code X: ' ' S: '-' observation 171, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 0917+449, 07:58:06, quality code X: 4 S: -, fringe code X: ' ' S: '-' observation 261, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 1849+670, 08:12:05, quality code X: 4 S: -, fringe code X: 'G' S: '-' observation 270, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 0602+673, 08:13:27, quality code X: 4 S: -, fringe code X: 'G' S: '-' observation 273, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 1039+811, 08:13:55, quality code X: 4 S: -, fringe code X: ' ' S: '-' observation 324, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 2229+695, 08:23:25, quality code X: 4 S: -, fringe code X: ' ' S: '-' observation 351, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 1642+690, 08:27:24, quality code X: 3 S: -, fringe code X: 'G' S: '-' Number of observations rejected during analysis: 28 observation 21, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 0602+673, 07:33:17, which fits at -13813.1 +/- 35.5 ps observation 48, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 1849+670, 07:37:31, which fits at 14774.1 +/- 41.3 ps observation 64, ISHIOKA :ONSA13NE, 0736+017, 07:41:59, which fits at -244.3 +/- 53.8 ps observation 67, ISHIOKA :ONSA13NE, 0446+112, 07:42:29, which fits at 442.3 +/- 53.1 ps observation 68, ISHIOKA :ONSA13SW, 0446+112, 07:42:29, which fits at 433.0 +/- 53.9 ps observation 84, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 0827+243, 07:44:48, which fits at -493.1 +/- 55.7 ps observation 114, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 1739+522, 07:49:25, which fits at 2320.8 +/- 51.3 ps observation 120, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, NRAO512 , 07:50:17, which fits at 5658.9 +/- 58.3 ps observation 129, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 1726+455, 07:51:41, which fits at 1140.4 +/- 81.3 ps observation 132, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 1746+470, 07:52:08, which fits at 12977.8 +/- 57.8 ps observation 138, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 1849+670, 07:53:03, which fits at 9275.7 +/- 36.1 ps observation 150, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 0016+731, 07:54:50, which fits at 12473.7 +/- 29.7 ps observation 168, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 1030+415, 07:57:37, which fits at 520.7 +/- 50.1 ps observation 219, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 2229+695, 08:05:40, which fits at -129.1 +/- 36.6 ps observation 222, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 4C67.05 , 08:06:07, which fits at 98.8 +/- 38.1 ps observation 228, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 1726+455, 08:07:08, which fits at -10204.7 +/- 69.9 ps observation 231, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 1746+470, 08:07:35, which fits at 1270.6 +/- 64.7 ps observation 240, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 1739+522, 08:08:56, which fits at -10119.0 +/- 45.2 ps observation 283, ISHIOKA :ONSA13NE, 0823+033, 08:15:57, which fits at -450.5 +/- 53.1 ps observation 284, ISHIOKA :ONSA13SW, 0823+033, 08:15:57, which fits at -472.7 +/- 54.1 ps observation 316, ISHIOKA :ONSA13NE, 0808+019, 08:22:17, which fits at -298.7 +/- 53.2 ps observation 317, ISHIOKA :ONSA13SW, 0808+019, 08:22:17, which fits at -308.5 +/- 54.0 ps observation 325, ISHIOKA :ONSA13NE, 3C418 , 08:23:53, which fits at -173.5 +/- 53.5 ps observation 326, ISHIOKA :ONSA13SW, 3C418 , 08:23:53, which fits at -189.2 +/- 54.1 ps observation 336, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 1726+455, 08:25:12, which fits at 8530.2 +/- 56.9 ps observation 339, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 1739+522, 08:25:39, which fits at 11520.2 +/- 73.5 ps observation 342, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 1823+568, 08:26:04, which fits at -127.6 +/- 37.6 ps observation 360, ONSA13NE:ONSA13SW, 1746+470, 08:28:45, which fits at -12374.3 +/- 49.1 ps Other comments: None. Parameterization: 10 parameters: UT1 offset atmosphere offset for: ISHIOKA ONSA13NE ONSA13SW clock offset, first order term, and second order term for: ONSA13NE ONSA13SW Clock breaks: None Session statistics Observations: 369 scheduled 366 correlated (included in the database) 353 recoverable (usable in Solve/nuSolve) 325 used Session fit: 24.848 ps UT1 formal error: 3.21 microsec Source Performance Number of Observations Scheduled Correlated* Used 0016+731 9 9 7 0059+581 6 6 6 4C67.05 3 3 2 0300+470 3 3 3 0446+112 3 3 1 0528+134 9 9 9 0552+398 9 9 9 0602+405 9 9 9 0602+673 9 9 6 0642+449 6 6 6 0657+172 6 6 6 0716+714 3 3 2 0736+017 9 9 8 0748+126 9 9 9 0754+100 9 9 9 0805+410 6 6 6 0808+019 3 3 1 0812+367 6 6 6 0814+425 6 6 6 0823+033 3 3 1 0827+243 9 9 8 OJ287 9 9 9 0917+449 6 6 4 0917+624 9 9 9 4C39.25 6 6 6 0954+658 9 9 9 0955+476 9 9 8 1030+415 9 9 8 1039+811 9 9 7 1633+38 9 9 9 1637+574 12 12 12 NRAO512 12 12 11 1642+690 12 12 11 DA426 9 9 9 1726+455 12 12 9 1732+389 12 9 9 1739+522 9 9 6 1746+470 9 9 6 1803+784 12 12 12 3C371 9 9 9 1823+568 12 12 11 1846+322 3 3 3 1849+670 9 9 6 2000+472 3 3 3 2007+777 12 12 12 3C418 3 3 1 2229+695 9 9 6 ------------ --------- ---------- ------ Source Total 369 366 325 * Correlated means included in database. Please note that the number of recoverable (usable) observations cannot be broken down by source for Intensive solutions.