==================================== r41048 ==================================== Bd : Intensive (06:53-08:06). Wz : Lost communication to receiver (03:50-09:50). Zc : Intensive (06:50-07:54). No problems found for : Kk, Mc, Ns, Ny, Sv, Yg ================================ r41048bd READY ================================ 2022-04-28 18:02:08 r41048 Badary, Ready-message Session r41048 Ready message for Badary. Mark5B+ recorder. GPS-FMOUT: 1.111 microseconds. Wx: Temperature (C):1; Pressure (mBar):928; Humdity (%):34 Sky conditions: cloudy State of cryogenic system: on (cold) Pointing values: SEFD X RCP/S RCP Source Az/El Offset1 Offset2 350/511 Virgo A 175/50 0.02888 0.02028 Tsys X RCP/S RCP: 47/64 Operator Plotnikova ================================ r41048bd START ================================ 2022-04-28 18:31:22 r41048 Badary, Start-message Badary started r41048 session as scheduled at 118/18:30:00 UTC. First source 3c418 Operators Plotnikova, Polubentsev ================================ r41048bd STOP ================================= 2022-04-29 18:33:04 r41048 Badary, Stop-message Badary ends r41048 observing 183 Skipped scans 119-0653 to 119-0806 due to the Ri session Session were recorded on module IPA-0001/2000/1024 Operators Plotnikova, Polubentsev, Alakova, Sorokovikov ================================ r41048kk READY ================================ 2022-04-28 19:32:09 r41048, Kokee Park 20m, Ready-message Session r41048 ready message for Kokee Park 20m. ------------------------------------------------ Comments: no cable cal or pointing checks due to short turnaround First source: 3C418 at 118/1933:19 UT FMOUT-GPS: +10.58 microseconds Wx: Temperature (C): 17.9 Pressure (mBar): 887.9 Humidity (%): 80.6 Sky Conditions: partly cloudy Cable difference is: na Pointing values: na Tsys (x1/s/x2): 100/51/52 ================================ r41048kk START ================================ 2022-04-28 19:33:19 r41048, Kokee Park 20m, Autostart-message Session r41048 auto-start message for Kokee Park 20m. ----------------------------------------------------- Started recording with source: 3c418 at 118.19:33:19 UT ================================ r41048kk STOP ================================= 2022-04-29 18:26:26 r41048, Kokee Park 20m, Stop-message Session r41048 stop message for Kokee Park 20m. ----------------------------------------------- Comments: clear sky 14.4C 94.1% 887.7mb last scan 2000+472 at 119/18:25:47 data will be sent out via etransfer no post cable cal due to short turnaround Problem scans: Source Scan start Explanation of problem 0131-522 118/20:01:27 and 118/20:50:30RFI on IFB 3C446 118/20:03:30 RFI on IFB 0308-611 118/21:59:56 and 118/22:39:46RFI on IFB 0J287 119/01:47:28 power glitch caused antenna to get stuck and was late to source Observation finished at: 119/18:25:47 UT ================================ r41048mc READY ================================ 2022-04-28 18:25:15 r41048, Medicina, Ready-message Session r41048 ready message for Medicina. ------------------------------------------ First source: 3c418 at 18:30 UT GPS-FMOUT: 11.26 microseconds Wx: Temperature (C): 17.9 Pressure (mBar): 1020.8 Humidity (%): 45.4 Sky Conditions: clear sky Cable difference is: na Pointing values: SEFD X/S Source Az/El Offset1 Offset2 417/406 3c286 292/21 0 0.002 488/458 3c380 293/74 0.001 0.005 Tsys (x1/s/x2): 43/63/37 ================================ r41048ns READY ================================ 2022-04-28 17:43:38 r41048, Ny-Alesund 13m NS, Ready-message Session r41048 ready message for Ny-Alesund 13m NS. --------------------------------------------------- First source: 3C418 at 18:30:00 UT FMOUT-GPS: 24.50 microseconds Wx: Temperature (C): -12.3 Pressure (mBar): 1012.8 Humidity (%): 63 Sky Conditions: Clear sky. Very windy Cable difference is: na Pointing values: na Tsys values: na ================================ r41048ns START ================================ 2022-04-28 18:30:10 r41048, Ny-Alesund 13m NS, Autostart-message Session r41048 auto-start message for Ny-Alesund 13m NS. -------------------------------------------------------- Started recording with source: 3c418 at 118.18:30:00 UT ================================ r41048ns STOP ================================= 2022-04-29 18:35:22 r41048, Ny-Alesund 13m NS, Stop-message Session r41048 stop message for Ny-Alesund 13m NS. -------------------------------------------------- Disk Inventory: A 0, B 0, C 0, D 6, E 0, F 0, G 0, H 0, (other larger) 10 Observation finished at: 18:29:04 UT ================================ r41048ny READY ================================ 2022-04-28 18:03:56 r41048, Ny-Alesund, Ready-message Session r41048 ready message for Ny-Alesund. -------------------------------------------- Comments: Some snow patches in the parabola azeloff=0.01d,0d First source: 3C418 at 18:30:00 UT GPS-FMOUT: 67.691 microseconds Wx: Temperature (C): -13.1 Pressure (mBar): 1007.1 Humidity (%): 67.17 Sky Conditions: Clear sky. Very windy. Cable difference is: longer cable makes the reading larger by 676.5 microseconds and is nominal Pointing values: SEFD X/S Source Az/El Offset1 Offset2 954/1727 cygnusa 10/29 0.0125 -0.001 1068/1567 casa 331/49 0.01 -0.002 1101/2005 taurusa 235/28 0.01 0.007 Tsys (x1/s/x2): 43/55/51 ================================ r41048ny START ================================ 2022-04-28 18:30:00 r41048, Ny-Alesund, Autostart-message Session r41048 auto-start message for Ny-Alesund. ------------------------------------------------- Started recording with source: 3c418 at 118.18:30:00 UT ================================ r41048ny STOP ================================= 2022-04-29 18:34:53 r41048, Ny-Alesund, Stop-message Session r41048 stop message for Ny-Alesund. ------------------------------------------- Disk Inventory: A 0, B 0, C 0, D 6, E 0, F 0, G 0, H 0, (other larger) 15 Observation finished at: 18:29:04 UT ================================ r41048sv READY ================================ 2022-04-28 17:16:13 I22118, R41048 Svetloe, Ready- message. Sessions I22118, R41048 Ready-message for Svetloe. ----------------------------------------------------------- Mark5B+ recorder. GPS-FMOUT: 1.6048 microseconds. Wx: Temperature (C): 5.8; Pressure(mBar): 1013.6; Humidity(%): 35.2. Sky conditions: cloudy. Pointing values: SEFD X/S Source Az/El Offset1 Offset2 369/-- CasA 320/41 -0.00881 0.00073 Tsys (X/S): 59/58. S-receiver RFI. Operator Isaenko O. ================================ r41048sv START ================================ 2022-04-28 19:33:30 R41048, Svetloe. Start-message. Session R41048 Start-message for Svetloe. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Svetloe started R41048 session as schedule at 118/19:33:19 UT. First source 3C418 Mark5B+ recorder. Operator Isaenko O. ================================ r41048sv STOP ================================= 2022-04-29 18:29:01 R41048, Svetloe. Stop-message. Session R41048 Stop-message for Svetloe. ---------------------------------------- Svetloe ends R41048 observing 220. All scans were recorded. Module USN-0032/4000/1024. Operator Gusev ================================ r41048yg READY ================================ 2022-04-28 09:18:10 r41048 Yarragadee (Yg), ready message Session r41048 ready message for Yarragadee (Yg) ----------------------------------------------------------- First source: 1751+288 at 18:31:45 UT Formatter to GPS difference (fmout-GPS) is 20.3863 us at 118.09:17:49 UT Weather: Temperature (C): , Pressure (hPa): , Humidity (%): Additional operator comments (if any): Pointing results: SEFD S/X Source Az/El Offset (xEl) Offset (El) Tsys (S/X): Fringe check: Source: Array: Result: Additional Comments: University of Tasmania Electronic Communications Policy (December, 2014). This email is confidential, and is for the intended recipient only. Access, disclosure, copying, distribution, or reliance on any of it by anyone outside the intended recipient organisation is prohibited and may be a criminal offence. Please delete if obtained in error and email confirmation to the sender. The views expressed in this email are not necessarily the views of the University of Tasmania, unless clearly intended otherwise. ================================ r41048yg START ================================ 2022-04-28 18:32:25 r41048, Yarragadee (Yg), start message Session r41048 start message for Yarragadee (Yg) ----------------------------------------------------------- Started recording with source: 1751+288 at 118/18:31:45 UT Comments: Experiment started ok Regards, Eloise University of Tasmania Electronic Communications Policy (December, 2014). This email is confidential, and is for the intended recipient only. Access, disclosure, copying, distribution, or reliance on any of it by anyone outside the intended recipient organisation is prohibited and may be a criminal offence. Please delete if obtained in error and email confirmation to the sender. The views expressed in this email are not necessarily the views of the University of Tasmania, unless clearly intended otherwise. ================================ r41048yg STOP ================================= 2022-04-29 18:41:36 Yarragadee has completed r41048 Yarragadee has completed r41048 The log and procedure files from experiment r41048 have been copied to ivs.bkg.bund.de: Formatter (H-maser) leads GPS by 20.6673 microsec at 2022.119.18:34:27.03 Additional experiment notes: Recorded 939.23 GB to module HOB+0041 HAY-0050 using the Mark5B+ recorder. The Module is being sent to Hobart for e-transfer to WASH. Known problems: no Missed Scans: no Observers: Eloise, Jamie, Lim, David Smith Regards, David Smith Comments from the log: University of Tasmania Electronic Communications Policy (December, 2014). This email is confidential, and is for the intended recipient only. Access, disclosure, copying, distribution, or reliance on any of it by anyone outside the intended recipient organisation is prohibited and may be a criminal offence. Please delete if obtained in error and email confirmation to the sender. The views expressed in this email are not necessarily the views of the University of Tasmania, unless clearly intended otherwise. ================================ r41048zc READY ================================ 2022-04-28 18:18:20 r41048 Zelenchukskaya Ready message Session r41048 ready message for Zelenchukskaya. First source: 3C418 at 18:30:00 UT. GPS-FMOUT: 4.272 microseconds. GPS-MASER: 4.085 microseconds. Wx: Temperature (C): 10.8, Pressure (mBar): 887, Humidity (%): 83.6. Sky Conditions: cloudy. Cable difference: - Pointing values: SEFD: (x/s) Source Az/El Offset1 Offset2 384/- Virgoa 147/55 -0.00390 0.01095 Tsys(x/s): 75/160. Azeloff(az/el): 0m, 0m. Operator: Kononenko V. ================================ r41048zc START ================================ 2022-04-28 18:40:23 r41048 Zelenchukskaya Start message Session r41048 start message for Zelenchukskaya. Experement started 18:30:00, no problems. First source: 3C418 at 18:30:00 UT. Operator: Kononenko V. ================================ r41048zc STOP ================================= 2022-04-29 18:29:36 r41048 Zelenchukskaya Stop message Session r41048 stop message for Zelenchukskaya. Zelenchukskaya ends r41048 at 18:27:23, observing 201. Session r41048 were recorded on module MPI+1636. Scans from 119-0650 to 119-0754 missed due to partisipation in ri3802 program. Operator:Kiselev P. ================================================================================