IVS Analysis Report for R4673 ($15FEB05XE) This report is the official IVS analysis report that corresponds to the database maintained by the IVS Data Centers for this session. (Analyzed by Christopher Dieck, United States Naval Observatory. Spoolfile source: interactive solve analysis.) Problems: MEDICINA reported FS problems from 037-0230 to 037-0430. Parameterization comments: None. Other comments: URUMQI did not participate. Due to dropped channels at MEDICINA and ZELENCHK, some S-band ambiguity spacings involving these stations were not the expected 100 ns, notably MEDICINA:ZELENCHK at 8.33 ns. ----------------------------------------- Session Statistics Observations: 5751 scheduled 4096 correlated (in database) 3767 recoverable (usable) 3638 used Session fit: 24.182 ps ----------------------------------------- Station Performance Number of Observations Scheduled Recoverable* Used % of scheduled obs used BADARY 1362 998 964 70.8% HART15M 649 473 459 70.7% KOKEE 1156 815 784 67.8% MEDICINA 1326 922 892 67.3% NYALES20 1290 963 936 72.6% SVETLOE 1555 1193 1142 73.4% URUMQI 1276 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% WETTZELL 1401 1078 1047 74.7% ZELENCHK 1487 1092 1052 70.7% --------------- --------- ----------- --------- ------ Station Total** 5751 3767 3638 63.3% * Recoverable: can be included in the solution. ** Total includes distinct observations only. MISSED: Station was scheduled, but it did not observe. NOT CORR: Station was scheduled but not correlated. NOT USED: Usable data was generated for this station, but the analyst rejected it all. ----------------------------------------- Source Performance Number of Observations Scheduled Correlated* Used % of scheduled obs used 1738+499 77 57 52 67.5% 2329-384 3 1 0 0.0% 0729+259 47 37 28 59.6% 1236+077 46 22 22 47.8% 1012+232 14 10 8 57.1% 2325+093 45 29 28 62.2% 0003-066 29 23 22 75.9% 0048-097 1 1 0 0.0% 0119+041 10 10 10 100.0% 0133+476 329 205 191 58.1% CTA26 67 50 50 74.6% 0556+238 18 12 12 66.7% 0656+082 8 8 7 87.5% 0718+793 176 137 118 67.0% 0727-115 64 44 42 65.6% 0749+540 183 119 111 60.7% 0808+019 46 34 34 73.9% OJ287 123 93 88 71.5% 0955+476 116 65 54 46.6% 1034-293 5 2 2 40.0% 1144-379 1 0 0 0.0% 1255-316 7 7 2 28.6% 1351-018 21 18 18 85.7% 1451-375 2 1 0 0.0% 1519-273 7 4 3 42.9% 1622-253 1 0 0 0.0% NGC6251 189 137 114 60.3% 3C371 639 442 404 63.2% 1954-388 3 0 0 0.0% 1958-179 25 22 22 88.0% 3C418 401 287 260 64.8% 2113+293 13 7 6 46.2% 2149+056 9 7 4 44.4% 2209+236 139 104 77 55.4% 2255-282 11 8 8 72.7% 0237-027 16 11 11 68.8% 0345+460 22 13 8 36.4% 0613+570 83 59 47 56.6% 0912+029 1 1 0 0.0% 1111+149 3 2 2 66.7% 1145+268 11 9 8 72.7% 1324+224 20 18 16 80.0% 1354-152 2 1 1 50.0% 1722+330 63 46 40 63.5% 1846+322 110 81 66 60.0% 1909+161 8 8 4 50.0% 2227-088 64 49 49 76.6% 2229+695 340 242 221 65.0% 0025+197 54 38 35 64.8% 0446+112 44 30 23 52.3% 0748+126 128 87 84 65.6% 1053+704 56 40 26 46.4% 1133-032 21 12 12 57.1% 1144+402 163 118 102 62.6% 1342+662 114 82 63 55.3% 1520+319 29 27 23 79.3% 1520+437 40 40 40 100.0% 1616+063 1 1 1 100.0% 1617+229 67 50 45 67.2% 1705+018 57 47 45 78.9% 2059+034 49 48 34 69.4% 2309+454 126 82 77 61.1% 2319+317 170 135 123 72.4% 0115-214 1 0 0 0.0% 0322+222 87 59 58 66.7% 0338-214 4 3 3 75.0% 0436-129 14 9 9 64.3% 0537-286 33 20 20 60.6% 0646-306 1 1 0 0.0% 0920-397 4 2 0 0.0% 1015+057 1 1 1 100.0% 1406-267 1 1 0 0.0% 0332-403 1 0 0 0.0% 0430+289 3 2 2 66.7% 0925-203 14 8 8 57.1% 1015+359 21 16 8 38.1% 1502+036 3 3 3 100.0% 2013+163 12 12 12 100.0% 0008-264 11 12 12 109.1% 0202+319 158 119 112 70.9% 0642+449 316 232 194 61.4% 0821+394 132 69 51 38.6% 0834-201 18 13 10 55.6% 1213-172 35 19 18 51.4% 1243-072 62 50 50 80.6% 1538+149 41 32 32 78.0% 1706-174 41 33 32 78.0% ------------ --------- ---------- ------ ------ Source Total 5751 4096 3638 63.3% * Correlated: included in database ----------------------------------------- Baseline Performance Number of Observations Scheduled Recoverable* Used % of scheduled obs used BADARY-HART15M 88 76 75 85.2% BADARY-KOKEE 174 153 149 85.6% BADARY-MEDICINA 131 102 101 77.1% BADARY-NYALES20 175 158 157 89.7% BADARY-SVETLOE 210 195 188 89.5% BADARY-URUMQI 232 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% BADARY-WETTZELL 145 126 124 85.5% BADARY-ZELENCHK 207 188 170 82.1% HART15M-KOKEE 0 NO DATA NO DATA 0.0% HART15M-MEDICINA 108 89 86 79.6% HART15M-NYALES20 23 19 18 78.3% HART15M-SVETLOE 105 82 81 77.1% HART15M-URUMQI 82 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% HART15M-WETTZELL 99 84 78 78.8% HART15M-ZELENCHK 144 123 121 84.0% KOKEE-MEDICINA 143 103 100 69.9% KOKEE-NYALES20 214 172 171 79.9% KOKEE-SVETLOE 165 139 128 77.6% KOKEE-URUMQI 170 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% KOKEE-WETTZELL 162 139 136 84.0% KOKEE-ZELENCHK 128 109 100 78.1% MEDICINA-NYALES20 169 129 123 72.8% MEDICINA-SVETLOE 203 162 152 74.9% MEDICINA-URUMQI 139 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% MEDICINA-WETTZELL 239 187 180 75.3% MEDICINA-ZELENCHK 194 150 150 77.3% NYALES20-SVETLOE 200 186 178 89.0% NYALES20-URUMQI 158 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% NYALES20-WETTZELL 187 164 160 85.6% NYALES20-ZELENCHK 164 135 129 78.7% SVETLOE-URUMQI 176 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% SVETLOE-WETTZELL 228 210 201 88.2% SVETLOE-ZELENCHK 268 219 214 79.9% URUMQI-WETTZELL 139 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% URUMQI-ZELENCHK 180 NOT CORR NOT CORR 0.0% WETTZELL-ZELENCHK 202 168 168 83.2% ----------------- --------- ----------- ---------- ------ Baseline Total 5751 3767 3638 63.3% * Recoverable: can be included in the solution. MISSED: Baseline was scheduled, but at least one of the sites did not observe. NOT CORR: Baseline was scheduled but not correlated. NO DATA: The baseline's stations were both correlated, but they did not observe together. DESELECTED: Usable data was generated for the baseline, but the analyst rejected it.