IVS Analysis Report for AUG011 ($15MAR28XA) This report is the official IVS analysis report that corresponds to the database maintained by the IVS Data Centers for this session. (Analyzed by David Gordon, Goddard Space Flight Center. Spoolfile source: interactive solve/nuSolve analysis.) Problems: None. Parameterization comments: None. Other comments: Manual phase cals all stations. ----------------------------------------- Session Statistics Observations: 3443 scheduled 3331 correlated (in database) 3171 recoverable (usable) 3108 used Session fit: 41.388 ps ----------------------------------------- Station Performance Number of Observations Scheduled Recoverable* Used % of scheduled obs used HART15M 825 713 693 84.0% HOBART12 1959 1796 1765 90.1% KATH12M 2025 1898 1862 92.0% YARRA12M 2077 1935 1896 91.3% --------------- --------- ----------- --------- ------ Station Total** 3443 3171 3108 90.3% * Recoverable: can be included in the solution. ** Total includes distinct observations only. MISSED: Station was scheduled, but it did not observe. NOT CORR: Station was scheduled but not correlated. NOT USED: Usable data was generated for this station, but the analyst rejected it all. ----------------------------------------- Source Performance Number of Observations Scheduled Correlated* Used % of scheduled obs used 1741-038 85 81 75 88.2% 0106+013 31 28 28 90.3% 1510-089 80 80 80 100.0% 0208-512 31 31 31 100.0% 1611+343 37 37 33 89.2% 1057-797 100 99 97 97.0% 1751+288 41 41 41 100.0% 2145+067 37 37 37 100.0% NRAO530 91 89 85 93.4% 2232-488 122 121 104 85.2% 1424-418 112 110 106 94.6% VR422201 8 8 7 87.5% 1749+096 67 67 66 98.5% 0119+115 60 50 44 73.3% 2149-306 100 99 87 87.0% 0332-403 112 109 109 97.3% CTA102 66 64 62 93.9% 3C446 79 79 60 75.9% 2136+141 39 38 38 97.4% 2131-021 76 76 68 89.5% 2255-282 35 35 33 94.3% 2243-123 28 27 25 89.3% 2201+315 9 8 8 88.9% 0229+131 31 30 28 90.3% 0637-752 71 69 59 83.1% 0454-234 95 92 90 94.7% 0202+319 27 27 25 92.6% CTA26 36 34 32 88.9% 0537-441 70 64 63 90.0% 0521-365 109 108 102 93.6% 0234+285 43 41 35 81.4% 0420-014 77 71 69 89.6% NRAO190 73 64 59 80.8% 1921-293 54 53 51 94.4% 1958-179 42 42 42 100.0% 0607-157 64 55 54 84.4% 0528+134 34 29 28 82.4% 0648-165 38 37 37 97.4% 0727-115 86 80 79 91.9% 0723-008 78 75 60 76.9% 0834-201 93 91 64 68.8% 0748+126 43 41 41 95.3% 0743-006 64 64 51 79.7% 0552+398 18 17 15 83.3% 0919-260 21 21 21 100.0% OJ287 44 44 44 100.0% 0738+313 41 36 30 73.2% 2128-123 20 20 19 95.0% 1045-188 80 80 78 97.5% 1104-445 15 12 12 80.0% 1144-379 28 26 25 89.3% 1124-186 20 20 20 100.0% 4C39.25 21 16 15 71.4% 3C279 80 80 69 86.2% 1255-316 34 34 34 100.0% 0642+449 4 4 2 50.0% 1334-127 80 80 80 100.0% 1156+295 27 27 26 96.3% 1128+385 21 21 20 95.2% 1519-273 34 34 34 100.0% 1144+402 24 23 23 95.8% 1908-201 8 8 7 87.5% 1920-211 24 23 22 91.7% 3C274 15 14 12 80.0% 1633+38 28 28 27 96.4% 1954-388 33 33 31 93.9% NRAO512 16 16 16 100.0% 2052-474 33 33 33 100.0% ------------ --------- ---------- ------ ------ Source Total 3443 3331 3108 90.3% * Correlated: included in database ----------------------------------------- Baseline Performance Number of Observations Scheduled Recoverable* Used % of scheduled obs used HART15M-HOBART12 230 190 187 81.3% HART15M-KATH12M 257 214 209 81.3% HART15M-YARRA12M 338 309 297 87.9% HOBART12-KATH12M 879 832 816 92.8% HOBART12-YARRA12M 850 774 762 89.6% KATH12M-YARRA12M 889 852 837 94.2% ----------------- --------- ----------- ---------- ------ Baseline Total 3443 3171 3108 90.3% * Recoverable: can be included in the solution. MISSED: Baseline was scheduled, but at least one of the sites did not observe. NOT CORR: Baseline was scheduled but not correlated. NO DATA: The baseline's stations were both correlated, but they did not observe together. DESELECTED: Usable data was generated for the baseline, but the analyst rejected it.