Session Notes for R1 (Rapid Turnaround Monday) session: r1596 Prepared by C. Thomas, NVI, Inc./GSFC Refer to for the session purpose. =========================================================== ----- Parameter listing -------------------------------------- Experiment: R1596 Description IVS-R1 Scheduler: NASA Correlator: BONN Start: 2013-210-17:00:00 End: 2013-211-17:00:00 Current yyyyddd: 2013210 (2013.58) ( 16503 MJD, MON. 29JUL.) Greenwich sidereal time: 13:30: 0.00 (17: 0: 0 UT) Sun's RA and DEC: 8h 36.5m 18d 35.3 =========================================================== There are no observations for Kokee and Ny Alesund from 18:15 U.T. to 19:45 U.T. Kokee and Ny Alesund will participate in the intensive session during this period. =========================================================== First observations Source Start DURATIONS name yyddd-hhmmss Ft Hb Ke Kk Ny Tc Wf 0648-165 13210-170000| 490 587 587 288| 2215+150 13210-170000| 600 600 492 | =========================================================== Last observations Source Start DURATIONS name yyddd-hhmmss Ft Hb Ke Kk Ny Tc Wf 1034-293 13211-163941| 579 579 416| 3C446 13211-163954| 125 121 125 | 2326-477 13211-164253| 445 445 301 | 3C274 13211-164719| 163 163| 0454-234 13211-165130| 463 119 463 305| 0059+581 13211-165525| 159 60 159 | 0458-020 13211-165811| 89 89| =========================================================== SKED Summary from file ./r1596.skd for experiment R1596 (all scans with at least one subnet station) Average number of obs. per baseline per source(normalized by up-time) = 5.5 Min = 0.0 Max = 55.4 (Baseline Hb-Tc on 1749+096) RMS = 11.3 Total time: 1440 minutes ( 24.0 hours). Key: Ft=FORTLEZA Hb=HOBART12 Ke=KATH12M Kk=KOKEE Ny=NYALES20 Tc=TIGO Wf=WESTFORD Ft Hb Ke Kk Ny Tc Wf Avg % obs. time: 59 67 60 54 42 62 55 57 % cal. time: 2 4 4 4 3 2 4 3 % slew time: 28 12 11 20 16 4 15 16 % idle time: 10 16 24 21 38 31 25 24 total # scans: 174 363 355 327 289 170 353 290 # scans/hour : 7 15 15 14 12 7 15 12 Avg scan (sec): 292 159 147 144 126 315 134 187 # data tracks: 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 # Mk5 tracks: 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 Total TBytes: 1.8 2.1 1.9 1.7 1.3 1.9 1.7 1.8 Total TB(M5): 1.6 1.8 1.7 1.5 1.2 1.7 1.5 1.6 # OF OBSERVATIONS BY BASELINE | Ft Hb Ke Kk Ny Tc Wf Total --------------------------------------------- Ft| 16 0 35 21 141 97 310 Hb| 329 102 6 26 12 491 Ke| 96 21 7 5 458 Kk| 169 47 183 632 Ny| 1 237 455 Tc| 83 305 Wf| 617 Number of 2-station scans: 496 Number of 3-station scans: 282 Number of 4-station scans: 47 Number of 5-station scans: 1 Number of 6-station scans: 0 Number of 7-station scans: 0 Total # of scans, observations: 826 1634 Average X-band SNRs by baseline | Ft Hb Ke Kk Ny Tc Wf AVG -------------------------------------------- Ft| 30 - 26 36 26 44 33 Hb| 32 25 24 23 29 30 Ke| 26 37 21 29 31 Kk| 28 16 30 27 Ny| 16 45 37 Tc| 20 23 Wf| 37 Average S-band SNRs by baseline | Ft Hb Ke Kk Ny Tc Wf AVG -------------------------------------------- Ft| 15 - 30 16 14 29 21 Hb| 21 32 16 12 23 23 Ke| 28 16 12 16 22 Kk| 21 27 34 29 Ny| 12 19 19 Tc| 14 16 Wf| 24 =========================================================== Recording mode Name Code GEOSX SX Recording mode setup for: FORTLEZA Mode Tot.Rate Tot.BandW #chan #bits Barrel Mk341:2 256.000 Mbits 128.000 MHz 14 1 NONE Chan.BW #Subpasses Tracks(*fan) Tot.tracks Speed 8.00 MHz 1 16(*2) 32 0.00 X-band spanned bw= 720.0 MHz rms spanned bw= 280.4 MHz S-band spanned bw= 140.0 MHz rms spanned bw= 50.9 MHz Effective number of channels recorded per sub-pass X S Total 10.000 6.000 16.000 Recording mode setup for: HOBART12 KATH12M KOKEE NYALES20 TIGOCONC WESTFORD Mode Tot.Rate Tot.BandW #chan #bits Barrel Mk341:1 256.000 Mbits 128.000 MHz 14 1 NONE Chan.BW #Subpasses Tracks(*fan) Tot.tracks Speed 8.00 MHz 1 16(*1) 16 0.00 X-band spanned bw= 720.0 MHz rms spanned bw= 280.4 MHz S-band spanned bw= 140.0 MHz rms spanned bw= 50.9 MHz Effective number of channels recorded per sub-pass X S Total 10.000 6.000 16.000 =========================================================== Monitoring Sources Source Min Max Actual #Num #Scans 1306+360 1.00 1.50 0.00 0 0 2326-477 1.00 1.50 0.67 11 7 Total 0.67 11 7 =========================================================== Minor Options Astro Abs 3.00 BegScan Rel 1.00 EndScan Rel 1.00 NumObs Rel 1.00 StatIdle Abs 3.00 StatWt Abs 2.00 =========================================================== Major Options Subnet FtHbKeKkNyTcWf SkyCov Yes AllBlGood Yes MaxAngle 180 MinAngle 15 MinBetween 20 MinSunDist 15 MaxSlewTime 300 TimeWindow 24.00 MinSubNetSize 2 NumSubNet 1 Best 60 FillIn Yes FillMinSub 3 FillMinTime 120 FillBest 80 Add_ps 30.0 SNRWts Yes =========================================================== Weighted Station 6 TIGOCONC 6.00 =========================================================== Tape types ID Station Tape length Density Passes Ft FORTLEZA Mark5A Hb HOBART12 Mark5B Ke KATH12M Mark5B Kk KOKEE Mark5B Ny NYALES20 Mark5B Tc TIGOCONC Mark5B Wf WESTFORD Mark5B =========================================================== SNR Targets Minimum SNR by baseline for multi-baseline scans X-band (margin 0) S-band (margin 0) Ft Hb Ke Kk Ny Tc Ft Hb Ke Kk Ny Tc Hb 20 Hb 15 Ke 20 20 Ke 15 15 Kk 20 20 20 Kk 15 15 15 Ny 20 20 20 20 Ny 15 15 15 15 Tc 15 15 15 15 15 Tc 12 12 12 12 12 Wf 20 20 20 20 20 15 Wf 15 15 15 15 15 12