Session Notes for R1 (Rapid Turnaround Monday) session: r1158 Prepared by C. Thomas, NVI, Inc./GSFC Refer to for the session purpose. =========================================================== Parameter values for experiment R1158 Experiment description: IVS-R1 Scheduler: NASA Correlator: Please see the master schedule Nominal start: 2005-018-17:00:00 Nominal end: 2005-019-17:00:00 Current yyyyddd: 2005018 (2005.05) ( 13389 MJD, TUES 18JAN.) Greenwich sidereal time: 0:52:47.00 (17: 0: 0 UT) Sun's RA and DEC: 20h 3.3m -20d 25.1 =========================================================== There are no observations for Wettzell from 18:00 U.T. to 20:00 U.T. Wettzell will participate in the intensive session during this two hour period. =========================================================== First observations Source Start DURATIONS name yyddd-hhmmss Gc Hh Mc Tc Ts Wf Wz 1044+719 05018-170000| 40 127 186 186| 2318+049 05018-170000| 200 200 200 | =========================================================== Last observations Source Start DURATIONS name yyddd-hhmmss Gc Hh Mc Tc Ts Wf Wz 1334-127 05019-162429| 146 146 | 2126-158 05019-162433| 139 139 | 2243-123 05019-162847| 189 61 169 189| 0656+082 05019-163257| 172 172 | 0458-020 05019-163655| 119 53 68 119| 1030+415 05019-164045| 157 157| 1923+210 05019-164420| 40 45 45| 1532+016 05019-164602| 200 200 200 | 2136+141 05019-165030| 40 40 40| =========================================================== SKED Summary from file ./r1158.skd for experiment R1158 (all scans with at least one subnet station) Average number of obs. per baseline per source (normalized by up-time) = 7.7 Min = .0 Max = 120.0 (Baseline Tc-Ts on 0537-441) RMS = 9.6 Total time: 1431 minutes ( 23.9 hours). Key: Gc=GILCREEK Hh=HARTRAO Mc=MEDICINA Tc=TIGO Ts=TSUKUB32 Wf=WESTFORD Wz=WETTZELL Gc Hh Mc Tc Ts Wf Wz Avg % obs. time: 20 25 34 28 34 35 31 29 % cal. time: 2 2 4 2 3 3 3 3 % slew time: 12 46 41 8 16 15 11 21 % idle time: 64 25 19 61 45 44 54 44 total # scans: 200 204 389 187 338 326 319 280 # scans/hour : 8.4 8.6 16.3 7.8 14.2 13.7 13.4 11.8 Avg scan (sec): 89 105 75 129 87 94 84 94 Total GBytes: 713 851 1193 938 1183 1228 1080 1027 Total GB(M5): 634 756 1061 833 1051 1091 960 913 # of tapes : 1.3 1.4 1.9 1.6 1.9 2.0 1.7 tape change times (hhmm): 1100 1038 0454 0817 0553 0635 0840 Total number of tapes: 11.8 Total GBytes (M5) recorded: 6389.8 # OF OBSERVATIONS BY BASELINE | Gc Hh Mc Tc Ts Wf Wz StnTotal ------------------------------------------ Gc|200 4 155 26 148 146 126 605 Hh| 204 121 67 57 33 94 376 Mc| 389 48 188 178 296 986 Tc| 187 33 100 38 312 Ts| 338 153 159 738 Wf| 326 150 760 Wz| 319 863 Number of 2-station scans: 270 Number of 3-station scans: 188 Number of 4-station scans: 116 Number of 5-station scans: 79 Number of 6-station scans: 0 Number of 7-station scans: 0 Total # of scans, observations: 653 2320 =========================================================== Recording mode Name Code GEOSX4F 4F Recording mode setup for: GILCREEK Mode Tot.Rate Tot.BandW #chan #bits Barrel VLBA1:2 256.000 Mbits 128.000 MHz 14 1 8:1 Chan.BW #Subpasses Tracks(*fan) Tot.tracks Speed 8.00 MHz 1 16(*2) 32 160.00 X-band spanned bw= 720.0 MHz rms spanned bw= 280.4 MHz S-band spanned bw= 120.0 MHz rms spanned bw= 48.8 MHz Effective number of channels recorded per sub-pass X S Total 10.000 6.000 16.000 Recording mode setup for: HARTRAO MEDICINA TIGOCONC WESTFORD WETTZELL Mode Tot.Rate Tot.BandW #chan #bits Barrel Mk341:2 256.000 Mbits 128.000 MHz 14 1 16 Chan.BW #Subpasses Tracks(*fan) Tot.tracks Speed 8.00 MHz 1 16(*2) 32 160.00 X-band spanned bw= 720.0 MHz rms spanned bw= 280.4 MHz S-band spanned bw= 120.0 MHz rms spanned bw= 48.8 MHz Effective number of channels recorded per sub-pass X S Total 10.000 6.000 16.000 Recording mode setup for: TSUKUB32 Mode Tot.Rate Tot.BandW #chan #bits Barrel Mk341:2 256.000 Mbits 128.000 MHz 14 1 NONE Chan.BW #Subpasses Tracks(*fan) Tot.tracks Speed 8.00 MHz 1 16(*2) 32 160.00 X-band spanned bw= 720.0 MHz rms spanned bw= 280.4 MHz S-band spanned bw= 120.0 MHz rms spanned bw= 48.8 MHz Effective number of channels recorded per sub-pass X S Total 10.000 6.000 16.000 =========================================================== Monitoring Sources Source Min Max Actual Num #Scans 0414-189 1.00 1.50 .82 19 10 1727+502 1.00 1.50 2.07 48 16 1030+415 1.00 1.50 1.16 27 12 M84 1.00 1.50 .22 5 5 1856+736 1.00 1.50 1.68 39 7 0812+367 1.00 1.50 .95 22 13 1717+178 1.00 1.50 1.47 34 10 0430+289 1.00 1.50 1.38 32 12 1532+016 1.00 1.50 .82 19 11 0013-005 1.00 1.50 .86 20 7 Total 11.42 265 103 =========================================================== Minor Options Option Norm Wt Aux_Parm Astro Abs 3.00 BegScan Rel 1.00 EndScan Rel 1.00 StatIdle Abs 3.00 StatWt Abs 1.00 FFFTF FF =========================================================== Major Options SkyCov Yes Min_Between 20 Best% 60.0 Last_Hrs 1.00 Add_ps 30.00 Obs_Wts SNRwt =========================================================== Tape types ID Station Tape length Density Passes Gc GILCREEK 17400feet (Thin ) 56700 (HIGH ) 12 Hh HARTRAO 17400feet (Thin ) 56250 (HIGH ) 14 Mc MEDICINA 17400feet (Thin ) 56250 (HIGH ) 14 Tc TIGOCONC 17400feet (Thin ) 56250 (HIGH ) 14 Ts TSUKUB32 17400feet (Thin ) 56250 (HIGH ) 14 Wf WESTFORD 17400feet (Thin ) 56250 (HIGH ) 14 Wz WETTZELL 17400feet (Thin ) 56250 (HIGH ) 14 =========================================================== SNR Targets Minimum SNR by baseline for multi-baseline scans X-band (margin 5) S-band (margin 3) Gc Hh Mc Tc Ts Wf Gc Hh Mc Tc Ts Wf Hh 20 Hh 15 Mc 20 20 Mc 15 15 Tc 15 15 15 Tc 12 12 12 Ts 20 20 20 15 Ts 15 15 15 12 Wf 20 20 20 15 20 Wf 15 15 15 12 15 Wz 20 20 20 15 20 20 Wz 15 15 15 12 15 15