Session E3019 Start 2003-232 18:00:00 AUG. 23 End 2003-233 17:55:10 AUG. 24 Stations 4 Ap ALGOPARK G Yk YLOW7296 X Ss CTVASTJ C Tc TIGOCONC O The E3 sessions are designed to measure EOPs in monthly sessions using the S2 VLBI system. They help to densify EOP measurements and to monitor systemic biases in observing programs. ************************************ Operators are reminded NOT to drudg S2 experiments at the station, but rather use the snap(*.snp), listing(*.sum) and proc (*.prc) files provided for each stations on Note that this schedule uses the SLP recording speed, tapes are changed every 6 hours. ************************************ S2 Setups: ========== Make sure the DAS and RT are Synced and validated to UTC! RT: === Mode: 32x4-2 Speed: SLP BarrelRoll: ON DAS: ==== Frequency Switching: ON, 1 Hz, 18 States "e3-ivs" Mode: 32x4-2-u AGC: ON Schedule Summary Information ============================ Total time: 1443 minutes ( 24.0 hours). Key: Ap=ALGOPARK Yk=ARIES_9M Ss=CTVA Tc=TIGO Ap Yk Ss Tc Avg % obs. time: 39 64 71 44 54 % cal. time: 2 2 1 1 1 % slew time: 57 22 8 3 22 % idle time: 1 10 18 51 20 # of tapes : 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0 total # scans: 203 182 172 106 165 # scans/hour : 8 7 7 4 6.9 Avg scan (sec): 167 307 357 361 298 # OF OBSERVATIONS BY BASELINE | Ap Yk Ss Tc StnTotal ------------------------------ Ap|203 168 161 102 431 Yk| 182 156 79 403 Ss| 172 75 392 Tc| 106 256 Number of 2-station scans: 54 Number of 3-station scans: 97 Number of 4-station scans: 66 Total # of scans, observations: 217 741 Average baseline components for all observations Average XY = 2523. Average XZ = 4812. Average YZ = 3961. Average length = 5035. Frequency Information: ===================== Name Code CGS2-2 S2 Recording mode setup for: ALGOPARK YLOW7296 CTVASTJ TIGOCONC Mode Tot.Rate Tot.BandW #chan #bits Barrel 32x4-2 64.000 Mbits 32.000 MHz 2 1 NONE Chan.BW #Subpasses Tracks(*fan) Tot.tracks Speed 16.00 MHz 1 0(*0) 0 4.20 ips (SLP ) X-band spanned bw= .0 MHz rms spanned bw= 280.0 MHz S-band spanned bw= .0 MHz rms spanned bw= 49.2 MHz Tape Information ================ ID Station Tape length Speed Ap ALGOPARK 361 min ( 7581 feet) SLP (4.2 ips) Yk YLOW7296 361 min ( 7581 feet) SLP (4.2 ips) Ss CTVASTJ 361 min ( 7581 feet) SLP (4.2 ips) Tc TIGOCONC 361 min ( 7581 feet) SLP (4.2 ips) Scan List ========== Source Start DURATIONS name yyddd-hhmmss Ap Yk Ss Tc 4C39.25 03232-180000| 90 90 90 90| 0727-115 03232-180431| 450 450| 0955+476 03232-180431| 450 450 | ... 1611+343 03233-175104| 90 90 90 | 1739+522 03233-175535| 90 90 90 | 1606+106 03233-180007| 216 216 |