IVS-T2012 (International VLBI Service - Terrestical reference frame observations) 2002 Dec. 17/18 Notes prepared by Arno Mueskens Geodetic Institute of the University of Bonn, Germany Correlator: BONN Purpose ======= The purpose of the IVS-T2 sessions is to monitor the TRF via monthly sessions. All geodetic stations participate in at least three T2 sessions each year. These sessions replace the IRIS-S sessions observed in previous years. The TRF determine from single session solutions or from a global solution is very important IVS product because this is an essential part for creating the ITRF by corresponding IERS Product Center. A particular strength of VLBI is its contribution to the scale of the ITRF. Usually the TRF is computed from the 24h sessions that are dedicated to observing the EOP. Network ======= The standard configuration of the monthly observed IVS-T2 experiments consists of eight stations. The eight station differ in some extent between all available IVS geodetic network stations from month to month. Schedule ======== This schedule was generated by SKED using the EUR2-SX band and the EUR2SX-C-2 frequency setup, depending on which station are available for this observation. Variable scan lengths with a minimum 40 sec. and the most recent source flux models are included. SNR goals are 25 at X-band and 25 at S-band for all baselines. The predicted SNRs used include a 30 ps noise contribution added in quadrature, which is a typical magnitude for the reweight constants applied in SOLVE solutions. The schedule is generated for the estimation of all five (nine) earth orientation parameters, clock offsets and clock rates for all participating stations except the reference station and atmo- sphere parameters for all participating stations. It was optimized for three earth orientation parameters (polar motion, UT1). Other optimization features enabled for this experiment : - the covariance analysis during schedule generation considers the previous 2 hours of observations, - minor SKED optimization parameters . maximum number of observations, . minimum time, were optimized over the best ( in a covariance sense ) 75% of the possible observations, this produces a somewhat more even sky distribution, - observations were weighted by their expected SNRs, - 30 ps noise contribution added, - mimimum time between observations of the same radio source was set to 25 min - using 59 source for improving the sky covorage Procedures ========== NO PREPASS TIME: There is no time allowed in the schedule for prepassing tapes. Therefore all tapes needed for this experiment must be pre-checked before the start of this experiment. Please generate the procedures for this session using drudg. THIS SCHEDULE HAS NO EARLY TAPE START !! ---------------------------------------- Parameter values for experiment T2012 Experiment description: IVS-2002 Scheduler: Mueskens Correlator: BONN Nominal start: 2002-351-17:30:00 Nominal end: 2002-352-17:30:01 Current yyyyddd: 2002351 (2002.96) ( 12626 MJD, TUES 17DEC.) Greenwich sidereal time: 23:14:41.03 (17:30: 0 UT) Sun's RA and DEC: 17h 40.8m -23d 21.9 =========================================================== First observations Source Start DURATIONS name yyddd-hhmmss Gc Kb Kk Ma Ny On Ts Ur 0552+398 02351-173000| 40 61 360 50 360 40 56| 0458-020 02351-173324| 95 95 | OK290 02351-173810| 40 40 | 2234+282 02351-173823| 118 154 118 170 170| 0727-115 02351-174151| 40 46 40 46| End of listing. =========================================================== Last observations Source Start DURATIONS name yyddd-hhmmss Gc Kb Kk Ma Ny On Ts Ur 1606+106 02352-171729| 40 51 51 | Source Start DURATIONS name yyddd-hhmmss Gc Kb Kk Ma Ny On Ts Ur 0106+013 02352-170808| 86 77 151 151| 0458-020 02352-170904| 95 95 | 1351-018 02352-171035| 360 360 | 0528+134 02352-171227| 90 162 164 171 74 171| 0454-234 02352-171652| 40 40 40| 1606+106 02352-171729| 40 51 51 | End of listing. =========================================================== Total time: 1428 minutes ( 23.8 hours). Key: Gc=GILCREEK Kb=KASHIM34 Kk=KOKEE Ma=MATERA Ny=NYALES20 On=ONSALA60 Ts=TSUKUB32 Ur=URUMQI Gc Kb Kk Ma Ny On Ts Ur Avg % obs. time: 42 39 44 40 39 44 33 42 40 % cal. time: 3 4 3 2 2 2 4 2 3 % slew time: 22 33 15 20 13 15 15 23 20 % idle time: 32 22 35 35 45 36 45 30 35 total # scans: 298 384 323 246 232 251 416 255 300 # scans/hour : 12 16 13 10 9 10 17 10 12.5 Avg scan (sec): 121 88 117 142 144 152 69 144 122 Total GBytes: 285 266 299 275 264 300 229 289 275 # of tapes : .6 2.0 .7 .6 .6 .7 .5 .6 tape change times (hhmm): 0000 0608 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 # OF OBSERVATIONS BY BASELINE | Gc Kb Kk Ma Ny On Ts Ur StnTotal ---------------------------------------------- Gc|298 168 214 70 134 97 174 91 948 Kb| 384 232 50 92 65 384 158 1149 Kk| 323 16 67 37 249 65 880 Ma| 246 159 219 57 134 705 Ny| 232 177 97 137 863 On| 251 72 135 802 Ts| 416 171 1204 Ur| 255 891 Number of 2-station scans: 207 Number of 3-station scans: 203 Number of 4-station scans: 151 Number of 5-station scans: 51 Number of 6-station scans: 40 Number of 7-station scans: 29 Number of 8-station scans: 10 Total # of scans, observations: 691 3721 =========================================================== Recording mode Name Code EUR2-SX SX Recording mode setup for: GILCREEK KOKEE MATERA NYALES20 ONSALA60 TSUKUB32 URUMQI Mode Tot.Rate Tot.BandW #chan #bits Barrel C 56.000 Mbits 28.000 MHz 14 1 NONE Chan.BW #Subpasses Tracks(*fan) Tot.tracks Speed 2.00 MHz 2 14(*0) 28 80.00 X-band spanned bw= 360.0 MHz rms spanned bw= 140.2 MHz S-band spanned bw= 80.0 MHz rms spanned bw= 30.2 MHz Effective number of channels recorded per sub-pass X S Total 8.000 6.000 14.000 Recording mode setup for: KASHIM34 Mode Tot.Rate Tot.BandW #chan #bits Barrel C 56.000 Mbits 28.000 MHz 14 1 NONE Chan.BW #Subpasses Tracks(*fan) Tot.tracks Speed 2.00 MHz 2 14(*0) 28 135.00 X-band spanned bw= 360.0 MHz rms spanned bw= 140.2 MHz S-band spanned bw= 80.0 MHz rms spanned bw= 30.2 MHz Effective number of channels recorded per sub-pass X S Total 8.000 6.000 14.000 =========================================================== Tape types ID Station Tape length Density Passes Gc GILCREEK 17400feet (Thin ) 56250. (High) 12 Kb KASHIM34 8700feet (Thick) 33333. (Low ) 12 Kk KOKEE 17400feet (Thin ) 56250. (High) 12 Ma MATERA 17400feet (Thin ) 56250. (High) 12 Ny NYALES20 17400feet (Thin ) 56250. (High) 12 On ONSALA60 17400feet (Thin ) 56250. (High) 12 Ts TSUKUB32 17400feet (Thin ) 56250. (High) 12 Ur URUMQI 17400feet (Thin ) 56250. (High) 12 =========================================================== SNR Targets Minimum SNR by baseline for multi-baseline scans X-band (margin 5) S-band (margin 5) Gc Kb Kk Ma Ny On Ts Gc Kb Kk Ma Ny On Ts Kb 25 Kb 25 Kk 25 25 Kk 25 25 Ma 25 25 25 Ma 25 25 25 Ny 25 25 25 25 Ny 25 25 25 25 On 25 25 25 25 25 On 25 25 25 25 25 Ts 25 25 25 25 25 25 Ts 25 25 25 25 25 25 Ur 25 25 25 25 25 25 25 Ur 25 25 25 25 25 25 25