CORE-B601 (Continuous Observations of the Rotation of the Earth-B601) 1999 March 10 Notes prepared by Cynthia Thomas and Nancy Vandenberg,NVI/GSFC Schedule name: CB601.SKD on CDDISA Nominal Start: 18:30 U.T. on March 10 (day 069) first observation at 18:30 U.T. on 0059+581 Nominal Stop: 18:30 U.T. on March 11 (day 070) last observation at 18:17 U.T. on 0727-115 for ON last observation at 18:24 U.T. on 0048-097 for FT last observation at 18:27 U.T. on 1606+106 for KA-KK last observation at 18:27 U.T. on 0119+115 for AP-65-NY Correlator: Haystack **Frequency Sequence**: CDPSX - Standard CDP SX sequence. (360 MHz wide at X, 85 MHz wide at S) 1 letter 2 letter Station Code Code # of tapes # of obs Occupation Code Algonquin G AP 2 (HDT) 202 72828201 DSS65 M 65 1 (TT) 219 16658501 Fortaleza F FT 2 (HDT) 118 72974801 Kashima-26 Q KA 3 (HDT) 211 18567601 Kokee K KK 1 (TT) 220 72983001 Ny Alesund N NY 1 (TT) 213 73313301 Onsala T ON 2 (HDT) 159 72137701 Purpose ======= The purpose of the CORE-B sessions is to obtain EOP data on days adjacent to the main NEOS/CORE-A and CORE-3 sessions and thus extend the span of continuous data. The secondary purpose of CORE-B is to provide observing sessions during which the stations can demonstrate their performance and their ability to participate in future regular CORE sessions. During the first half of the year CORE-B is observed on Wednesdays starting at 18:30 UT, following a NEOS session. Beginning on July 1 CORE-B is observed on Thursdays starting at 19:00 UT, following the CORE-3 sessions. The CORE-B networks are numbered 4, 5, and 6 to distinguish them from the networks used in 1998. Schedule ======== This is a new schedule generated by C. Thomas with the automatic mode of sked. The characteristics of the CORE-B schedules have changed slightly. Changes were made to smooth out the distribution of observations over the sky. Following are the characteristics of the CORE-B schedule file: 1) This schedule was optimized for sky coverage. 2) Only the observations in the previous 2 hours of the schedule were considered for the minor options. The best 60% of the configurations were considered for minor options. 3) The "minor options" were set to select observations to maximize the total number of observations, to minimize the idle time between scans, and to minimize time between scans on the same source by thirty minutes. 5) The minimum SNR limits for the baselines were set to 20 for X-band and 15 for S-band. 6) This schedule was made using 34 sources which helped improve the sky coverage. Simulation Results ================== Simulated data from this schedule was used in a global solution to estimate the formal errors. The table below lists the formal errors for Earth orientation parameters. These results meet the simulation goals for the CORE-B network. Also shown in the table are the maximum correlations between the Earth orientation parameters and other parameters. ____________________________________________ | | | | | | EOP |Formal| Other | | |Parameters |Errors|Parameters|Correlation| |____________|______|_________ |___________| | | | | | |X-Wobble | 61.30| UT1-TAI | 49% | | | | | | |Y-Wobble | 51.73| ------- | under 40% | | | | | | |UT1-TAI | 2.09| X WOBBLE | 49% | | | | | | |UT1-TAI Rate| 4.84| ------- | under 40% | | | | | | ____________________________________________ Flux Information ================ Several years ago John Gipson wrote a program called snranal which compares the measured performance of an experiment with respect to the predicted. One of the things this program calculates is an empirical flux density for each source. Recently J. Gipson compared the fluxes generated by this program with those from more careful modeling. The agreement is generally good (~15%) for those sources which have been observed more than 20 times. In order to account for changes in the flux catalog since the last update, J. Gipson adjusted the fluxes in the flux catalog for the sources in the current source catalog using the following databases: Date Experiment ==== ========== 98NOV17 NEOS-A290 98NOV17 CORE-A049 98NOV24 NEOS-A291 98DEC01 CORE-A050 98DEC08 NEOS-A293 98DEC15 NEOS-A294 98DEC15 CORE-A051 98DEC22 NEOS-A295 98DEC29 NEOS-A296 98DEC29 CORE-A052 Procedures ========== Please generate the procedures for this session using drudg. Correlation ========== This experiment will be correlated at the Haystack Correlator with all baselines being correlated. SKED Summary from file ./cb601.skd for experiment CB601 (all scans with at least one subnet station) SOURCE |0 6 12 18 | #SCANS #OBS #Obs/bl 0048-097I xx xx x xx xx x I 10 16 2.0 0059+581Ix xx x x x x x x xx xxx x x x x I 18 258 14.9 0119+115I x xx x x xx xx x x x xx x x x xx I 19 47 4.4 CTA26 I x x x xx x x x x x x x x I 13 17 2.2 0402-362I x x x x x x x xx xI 10 10 2.9 0528+134Ix xx x x xx x x x x xx x x x I 16 78 7.1 0552+398I x x xx x x x x x x x x x x xx xx x x x xx xI 24 236 17.2 0718+793Ix x x x x x I 6 14 .7 0727-115I x x xx x x x xx x x x xx xxx x x xx x I 22 50 6.3 0749+540I x x x x x x x x x I 9 84 4.8 0805+410I x x x x I 4 18 1.3 0823+033I xx x x x xx x x x x I 11 19 2.0 OJ287 I x x x x x x x x I 8 28 2.5 0919-260I x x x xI 4 6 1.1 4C39.25 I x xx x x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x x I 20 205 15.1 OK290 I x x x x x x xI 7 11 .9 1034-293I x x x x x xx xI 8 10 2.1 1044+719I x x x x x x x x xI 9 96 4.6 1053+815I x I 1 6 .4 1124-186I x x x x x x x x x I 9 17 2.5 1128+385I x x I 2 6 .4 1219+044I x x x x x x x x x x x x xI 13 25 2.6 1357+769Ix x x x I 4 55 2.6 1606+106I x x x x x x x xx I 9 29 2.7 1622-253I x x x x x x xx x x I 10 10 1.6 NRAO512 I x x x x x x x x x x xx x x x I 15 157 11.4 1739+522Ix x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x I 19 237 15.0 1741-038I x x x xx x x x x x x x xx xx x xx I 19 57 7.8 1749+096Ixx xx x x xx x xx x x x x x x xx xI 20 114 10.8 1921-293I x x x x x x x x x x x x x I 13 15 2.8 1958-179I x x x x x x x x x x xI 11 11 1.6 2121+053I x xx x x x x xx x I 10 19 1.9 2128-123I x x x x xx I 6 6 .8 2145+067I x x x x x x x xx x xxx I 13 69 6.9 Total scans, obs: 392 2036 Average number of obs. per baseline per source (normalized by up-time) = 4.9 Min = .0 Max = 36.5 (Baseline Ny-On on 1741-038) RMS = 6.6 Total time: 1439 minutes ( 24.0 hours). Key: Ap=ALGOPARK 65=DSS65 Ft=FORTLEZA Ka=KASHIMA Kk=KOKEE Ny=NYALES20 On=ONSALA60 Ap 65 Ft Ka Kk Ny On Avg % obs. time: 17 21 20 35 31 25 28 26 % cal. time: 2 2 1 2 2 2 1 2 % slew time: 59 34 21 18 12 12 13 24 % idle time: 19 41 56 42 53 58 55 47 # of tapes : 1.2 .4 1.3 2.2 .5 .5 1.7 total # scans: 202 219 118 211 220 213 159 191 # scans/hour : 8 9 4 8 9 8 6 8.0 Avg scan (sec): 76 85 152 147 122 105 156 120 # OF OBSERVATIONS BY BASELINE | Ap 65 Ft Ka Kk Ny On StnTotal ------------------------------------------ Ap|202 133 82 81 115 142 103 726 65| 219 101 76 64 166 126 555 Ft| 118 8 30 61 69 447 Ka| 211 169 115 87 689 Kk| 220 102 68 544 Ny| 213 138 432 On| 159 679 Number of 2-station scans: 153 Number of 3-station scans: 80 Number of 4-station scans: 43 Number of 5-station scans: 77 Number of 6-station scans: 34 Number of 7-station scans: 5 Total # of scans, observations: 392 2036 Average baseline components for all observations Average XY = 5658. Average XZ = 5013. Average YZ = 4136. Average length = 6297.