EUROPE-4/95 (EUROPEAN Geodetic VLBI Network session 4/95) Notes prepared by Axel Nothnagel, University of Bonn Geodetic Institute Date of experiment: 1995 August 31 Nominal start time: 22h00 UT Nominal end time: 22h00 UT on Sep. 01 Duration: 24 hrs Participating stations: Station Code Wettzell V Madrid M Crimea C Onsala T Ny Alesund N Yebes Y Schedule name: EUROPE4.SKD on CDDIS for V-M-N-T EUROPE4.SKD on e-mail for C and Y DSN file name: Correlator: Bonn Station Code # of tapes # of obs Wettzell V 2 (HDT) 220 Madrid M 2 (HDT) 182 Crimea C 3 (HDT) 201 Onsala T 3 (HDT) 231 Ny Alesund N 2 (HDT) 225 Yebes Y 2 (HDT) 178 Purpose ======= The purpose of this experiment is to determine station coordinates in the northern part of the European geodetic VLBI network with the highest precision possible. Schedule ======== The schedule was produced by Axel Nothnagel and Ruediger Haas using the automatic mode of sked. The schedule was optimized for station positions of DSS65, Onsala, NyAlesund and Crimea with Wettzell as the reference station. The minimum SNR on all baselines is 20 at X-band and 15 at S-band. Yebes was tagged along acknowledging the fact that we do not know its performance from earlier geodetic experiments. Observations may not yield detections on all baselines in all scans according to the SNR calculations using conservative Yebes SEFDs (X 4100 S 4300). However, Wettzell-Yebes and DSS65-Yebes are supposed to yield detections on all observations scheduled. The schedule was made with the early tape start (15 seconds) feature. Wettzell was excluded for IRIS-Intensive between 17h42 - 19h32 on Sep. 1. Procedures ========== The frequency sequence, EUR-SX, used for the last EUROPE experiments will also be used for this experiment although it was designed for the Italian stations. Using this frequency sequence in all experiments of the EUROPE series avoids confusions. Channel Sky Frequency ======= ============= X-band 1 8210.99 2 8220.99 3 8250.99 4 8310.99 5 8420.99 6 8500.99 7 8550.99 8 8570.99 S-band 1 2212.99 2 2222.99 3 2237.99 4 2267.99 5 2292.99 6 2297.99 Correlation =========== This experiment will be correlated at the Bonn Correlator with all baselines being correlated. SKED Summary from file europe4.skd for experiment EUROP4 (all scans with at least one subnet station) SOURCE |0 6 12 18 | #SCANS #OBS #Obs/bl 0048-097I xI 1 3 1.0 0059+581Ixx xx x xx xx x x xx x x xx x x x xx xx I 24 181 20.1 0119+041I x x x x x xI 6 38 8.4 0229+131I x x xx x xx x I 8 72 13.3 CTA26 Ix xx x xx xx I 8 51 24.6 0454-234I x x I 2 6 2.6 0458-020I x x x x x x x x I 8 54 30.3 0528+134Ix xx xx x x x x x xI 11 60 10.9 0552+398Ixx xxx xxx x xxx x xx xxx x x xxx I 23 162 22.1 0727-115I x x x x x xx x I 8 32 10.9 0804+499I x x x x xx xxx x x x xx x x x x x xx I 21 134 16.9 0823+033I xx x x x x I 6 43 9.8 OJ287 I x xx xx x x I 7 34 5.4 0919-260I x x I 2 2 1.0 4C39.25 I x xx x x xxx x xx x I 12 88 12.2 OK290 I x xx x x xx xx xx x I 12 84 13.4 0955+476I x x x x x x I 6 43 5.5 1044+719I x x x x xx x x xI 9 64 6.4 1219+044I x I 1 1 .2 1308+326I x xx x xx x x x xx x xx x x I 16 90 13.2 1334-127I x x x xx xx I 7 21 7.4 1357+769I x x x xx x I 6 38 3.8 1606+106I x xxxx x x xx x I 10 60 12.0 1622-253I x x x I 3 5 2.3 NRAO512 I x x I 2 11 1.5 1726+455I x xx x x x x x x x x xx x I 14 80 10.1 1741-038I x x x x x I 5 9 2.2 1749+096I x x xx x x xx I 8 51 10.0 1921-293I xx I 2 4 2.4 1958-179I I 0 0 .0 2121+053I x x I 2 7 1.5 2145+067I xx x xx x x x x x I 10 60 12.6 2234+282I xx x x x x x xx x xxI 12 92 14.1 2255-282I x I 1 3 1.6 Total scans, obs: 273 1683 Average number of observations per baseline (normalized by up-time) = 9.5 Min = .0 Max = 100.0 (Baseline NY-O6 on 0458-020) RMS = 10.9 Total time: 1439 minutes ( 24.0 hours). Key: CR=CRIMEA 65=DSS65 NY=NYALES20 O6=ONSALA60 WZ=WETTZELL CR 65 NY O6 WZ Avg % obs. time: 37 23 33 41 29 32 % cal. time: 2 2 2 2 2 2 % slew time: 32 59 11 16 8 25 % idle time: 28 15 51 39 59 38 # MK III tapes: 3 2 2 3 2 total # scans: 201 182 225 231 220 211 # scans/hour : 8 7 9 9 9 8 Avg scan (sec): 159 110 129 155 114 133 # OF OBSERVATIONS BY BASELINE | CR 65 NY O6 WZ StnTotal ---------------------------------- CR|201 134 167 172 171 625 65| 182 150 160 153 654 NY| 225 198 187 686 O6| 231 191 672 WZ| 220 729 Number of 2-station scans: 49 Number of 3-station scans: 30 Number of 4-station scans: 99 Number of 5-station scans: 95 Total # of scans, observations: 273 1683