spu00001.eopi.txt Technical description of solution spu00001 1. Purpose of solution: Intensive EOP 2 Analysis Center: Saint-Petersburg University (SPU) 3. Short narrative description of solution: NEOS-Int. VLBI observations are analyzed for this solution. Reductional model is realised in accordance with IERS Conventions (1996), latest IERS Recommendations - IERS Gazettes 16,18 and Explanatory Supplement to IERS Conventions 1996 (DGFI Report, No.71). Celestial reference frame was fixed to Reference Frame Navy 1997-8. All parameters under estimation have been adjusted using conventional least squares technique. Station Wettzell is used as clock reference station when available. Terrestrial reference frame ITRF97 with the associated velocity field is used for station coordinates. 4. Estimated parameters: a. celestial frame: No b. terrestrial frame: No c. Earth orientation: UT1-UTC d. zenith troposphere: Offset for wet delay e. troposphere gradient: No f. station clocks: Offset and rate g. baseline clocks: No h. other: No 5. Celestial reference frame: a. a priori source positions: ICRF b. source positions adjusted in solution: No e. solution identification or reference: Navy 1997-8 6 - Terrestrial reference frame: a. a priori station positions: ITRF97 b. a priori station velocities: ITRF97 velocity field c. reference epoch: 1997.0 d. station positions/velocities adjusted in solution: No l. solution identification or reference: ITRF97 7. Earth orientation: a. a priori precession model: IAU(1976) b. a priori nutation model: Herring's model as it recommended by IERS Conventions c. a priori short-period tidal variations in x, y, UT1: IERS Conventions d. EOP estimation: one UT1-UTC estimate from every 2-hour session 8. A priori geophysical models: a. troposphere: Niell mapping function for dry and wet delays b. solid Earth tide: IERS Conventions 1996 plus Explanatory Supplement for pole tide correction. c. ocean loading: IERS Conventions 1996 d. atmosphere loading: information about local pressure has been used (see IERS Conventions 1996 plus Explanatory Supplement) 9. Data type: delays 10. Data editing: Only data with zero quality flag in NGS format are used 11. Data weighting: Observations with elevation more than 15 degrees are not weighted. Observations with elevation less than 15 degrees to be divided by sin(elevation). 12. Standard errors reported: Formal errors are derived from least squares adjustment 13 Software: OCCAM v. 3.4 plus additional modifications 14. Other information: None ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dr. Oleg A.Titov Tel: +7-(812)-328-97-51 Assistant professor of Astronomy Department Fax: +7-(812)-428-71-29 Astronomical Institute of Saint-Peterburg University Bibliotechnaya sq., 2, Petrodvorets, Saint-Petersburg, Russia, 198504 olegtitov@mail.ru