0 - Technical description of solution aus2003b.crf 1 - Technique: VLBI 2 - Analysis Centre: Geoscience Australia 3 - Software used: OCCAM 5.1 4 - Data span: April, 1980 - October, 2003 5 - Celestial Reference Frame: ga2002a a - Nature: extragalactic b - Definition of the orientation: NNR Constrains for the all sources of the ga2002a catalogue. 6 - Terrestrial Reference Frame: ga2002a and associated ga2002a velocity field a - Relativity scale: Solar System Bary Center (SSB) b - Velocity of light: 299792458 m/s c - Geogravitational constant: not applicable d - Permanent tidal correction: no e - Definition of the origin: NNT constraints on the daily basis for all VLBI stations under analysis excepion the TIGOCONC f - Definition of the orientation: NNR constraints on the daily basis for all VLBI stations under analysis excepion the TIGOCONC g - Reference epoch: 1997.0 h - Tectonic plate model: ga2002a velocities used as apriori i - Constraints for time evolution: None 7 - Earth orientation: a - A priori precession model: IERS 1996 b - A priori nutation model: MHB2000 c - Short-period tidal variations in x, y, UT1: Model used according to: R.Eanes (2000) as in IERS Conventions 2000 8 - Estimated Parameters: a - Celestial Frame: right ascension and declination of 682 sources and apparent proper motions in right ascension and declination of 682 sources b - Terrestrial Frame: Daily x, y, z values for all sites with further estimation of (x0,y0,z0) referred to 1997.0 and corresponding velocities c - Earth Orientation: xp, yp, UT1-UTC, dpsi, deps d - Others: - clock offsets and rates; - wet zenith tropospheric delays; - troposphere gradients. Clock offsets, wet delays and gradients were considered as stochastic parameters with relevant covariance functions